Information Today’s Computers in Libraries conference took place in Washington DC two weeks ago and featured top-notch presentations by librarians on the cutting-edge of technology. Didn’t get an opportunity to attend? We are happy to provide access to the following 10 presentations.
- Rock Your Libraries Content with WordPress
- Re-Imagining the Library Website Experience
- Tools and Idea Blitz: Steal for your Website
- Makerspace Info Blitz!
- Delivering Library Services with (And For) Google Glass
- Dealing with Data: From Research to Visualization
- Robots in the Library: Automated Storage & Retrieval Systems
- Tools & Tips Info Blitz!
- Students, iPads, and Research: A Perfect Combination
- Appily Ever After: Apps and Embedding Tools in 21st Century Libraries
Get the content of these great presentations and see for yourself what you missed!