Category Archives: Academic

Need a LSTA grant? Instructions and sample ideas here…

MoneyTimeline and How-To
To learn more about the two current LSTA grant opportunities, please attend an upcoming grant guidance webinar–Thursday, March 31, 2016, 1:30-2:30 p.m. or Tuesday, April 12, 2016, 4:00-5:00 p.m. There is no need to pre-register; just click on the link for the webinar you’d like to attend. Grant applications and instructions are also available on the Minnesota Department of Education’s Grants Management site. Visit the LSTA webpage, view the 2016 grant opportunities timeline or contact Jackie Blagsvedt (651-582-8805) for more information.

Need sample grant ideas? Read the following short snippets about grants awarded in 2015, and if something looks like it could work, contact Jackie to see if you can get a copy of the grant application. Good luck!

 Bloomington Public Schools (BPS) – $80,084 “Middle School Makerspaces: A Community of Creators” Middle School Makerspaces will ignite the exploration of 21st century digital literacy skills for middle school students and the surrounding community. The BPS middle school media specialists, in cooperation with district and community partners, will launch the design, implementation and facilitation of makerspaces in all three BPS middle school media centers. The school community will engage with the new makerspaces and learn from the student facilitators at open houses designed to inspire “A Community of Creators” and held in collaboration with Hennepin County Library.

Farmington Public Schools – $43,233 “Bridging Literacy through Targeted Instruction” In Bridging Literacy through Targeted Instruction, North Trail Elementary school’s media center will engage and connect English Learners, low-income and at-risk students and their families with library services developed to meet their unique literacy needs. An expanded after school program, new library collections and innovative outreach efforts are all designed to help at-risk students improve reading proficiency, engage families in school and increase school readiness.

Friends of Hennepin County Library – $96,912 “Cedar Riverside Library Outreach Project” The Cedar Riverside Library Outreach Project will connect Somali residents in Minneapolis’ Cedar Riverside neighborhood to library services. Trusted community-library liaisons will bring Hennepin County Library’s vibrant culture of lifelong learning to accessible community spaces in the neighborhood. The liaisons will build a targeted community outreach program, develop organizational partnerships, connect residents to library resources, and bring customized services into the neighborhood using a mobile computer lab and Wi-Fi hotspot.

Hmong Cultural Center – $12,020 “Hmong Resource Center Library Expansion Project” The Hmong Resource Center Library Expansion Project will increase the availability of Hmong cultural and historical resources to people in the Twin Cities, throughout Minnesota and across the United States. The project will expand access to the Hmong Cultural Center’s library collection, including the Hmong Studies Virtual Library, which includes books, professional journal articles, dissertations, theses and research reports concerning Hmong Americans and Hmong history and culture.

Metropolitan Library Service Agency (MELSA) – $100,000 “Identifying Access Needs for E-Government Services”  Led by MELSA, this project will survey metropolitan area residents on their skills, use of, and access to technology. The data collected will help to determine a) how local governments and education institutions can improve access to e-government and e-learning so it is available to all; and b) how library governing bodies and administrators can best deploy services, utilize technology and train staff to support e-government and e-learning.  MELSA and its member libraries will synthesize collected data to develop general and local best practices. The recommendations will be shared with local governments, educational organizations, and community agencies in an effort to increase the effectiveness of and access to e-government resources and services through public libraries.

Robbinsdale Area Schools – $64,228 “Creating a Culture of Literacy among AVID High School Students” AVID’s mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society. Robbinsdale media specialists will help to prepare AVID students at Cooper and Armstrong high schools for their transitions to college and careers by creating a culture of literacy in new collaborative spaces with targeted instruction and book collections. Students will participate in book discussion groups, present book talks and select titles for the media center collections. Media specialists will measure reading inventory scores, interest in writing and fiction circulation among the participants to determine the impact of new spaces, collections and services.

Saint Paul Public Schools (SPPS) – $99,866 “Building Research-Ready Students in SPPS” SPPS will create a district-wide framework to build student research skills in grades 6-12. Librarian-teacher pairs will complete the Metronet Information Literacy Initiative—boosting their abilities to teach students how to conduct research and use their findings ethically. They will embed common research strategies and language into the curriculum, ensuring the research process is taught in context and not in isolation. Four high-quality digital resources will be made available district-wide to further support SPPS in building research-ready students.

Waconia Public Schools – $49,473 “Waconia Digital Navigators: Students at the Helm” “Waconia Digital Navigators: Students at the Helm” will empower 3rd and 4th grade students at Bayview and Southview elementary schools to be “captains of innovation” who can successfully navigate the chaotic waters of the digital world. Grant activities will include curriculum development and professional coaching for staff, which will help the district to integrate resources from ISTE, AASL, CommonSense Media and the “Big 6” to provide authentic learning opportunities for students, staff and families. Targeted areas of improvement are 1) digital and print research skills; 2) e-portfolios of digital artifacts; 3) student engagement through collaborative use of Google Apps and interactive digital and face-to-face communication; and 4) student leadership opportunities through the creation of the Waconia Tech and Library squads.

Waseca-Le Sueur Regional Library System – $20,466 “Romp and Rhyme” Romp and Rhyme will create a standard of excellence for early literacy education at Waseca-Le Sueur libraries. The libraries will integrate reading, writing, talking, singing and playing into highquality programming to improve early literacy skills in pre-readers and get them ready to learn to read in Kindergarten. Librarians will create storytime resources and kits that teach the early literacy skills recognized as the strongest and most consistent predictors of later literacy proficiency. In an effort to extend early literacy education beyond library walls, high-quality early literacy activities, modeling and mentoring will be integrated into storytimes, outreach and workshops for families and care providers.

Have you reflected on yourself as leader?

think hardHopefully, I have not already lost you with the “L” word, which might excite you or scare you!

You may not be a principal or a director or a superintendent (traditional leaders), but you are a leader for the public, students and/or colleagues.  Leadership has everything to do with how and why you do what you do. It has very little to do with formal titles and degrees.

As K-12 education is changing at warp speed, Elena Aguilar of Edutopia suggests, “…that in order to transform our schools, we’ll need many, many more leaders. We’ll need the leaders who don’t yet think they are leaders and those of us who are apprehensive about embracing the roles and responsibilities of leadership.” I couldn’t agree more.

Are you intrigued, willing to listen, but not sure what to do? Do you struggle even giving good work direction and following through with corrective action if needed? I have a suggestion…come to our Supervisor Nuts & Bolts Workshop. It is a two-part series (the second builds on the first) hosted by CMLE at no charge to you (April 14th and May 12th). If you lead, supervise, or give work direction to others, come to get tips from a professional in the field, CMLE’s treat!

Get all of the workshop details and the registration link here.

Read Elena’s Edutopia post here.

Image credit:, licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0



CMLE Weekly Review: 3/31/2016

CMLE Updates: State & Regional News
– Registration is open! “New library” celebration including author talk: limited room!  More
– Central MN schools & libraries in the news…. More
– State Library Updates: 3/24/16 More

Upcoming Events and Registration Information
– Register now for Free Supervisor Nuts and Bolts Workshop More
– Submit a proposal now for the MLA Conference More
– Check out professional development opportunities now!  More

Tech Bits and Ideas
– Could you improve school attendance with Minecraft? More

Resources You Can Use
– Study on digital content in public libraries More
– National Readathon Day is coming in May More
– AASL Recommended App: Glogster More

Food For Thought
– 30 Higher Ed thought leaders identify trends  More
– YALSA Director weighs in on the future of book lists More

Just For Fun
– 16 Hilarious library signs More

Come to the "new library" celebration & author talk event

Jessica Lourey
Author Jess Lourey

CMLE staff think May 5th (Cinco de Mayo) is a perfect day to celebrate!  Come join us  at the St. Cloud Technical and Community College (SCTCC) for a fun and affordable program. We are pleased to partner with Vi Bergquist, SCTCC Library Director and the SCTCC library staff in offering this event. The layout of the day includes:

— Author talk by Jess Lourey
— A Minitex trainer will do a Show n Tell of the newly unveiled eBooks MN
— Tours of the new library
— Tasty food and drink prepared by the school’s culinary program in honor of Cinco de Mayo!

Who: All academic, K-12, public, and special library staff are welcome

What: Library tours, author talk by Jess Lourey, eBooks Minnesota Show n Tell, and of course festive food and drink to celebrate the bright future of this new Central MN Library.

When: Thursday, May 5, 2016 from 4 – 6:30 pm (event starts with author talk)

Where: SCTCC Library (this is the Green & White Building, formerly the CentraCare Heartland Clinic), which is slightly separate from the main campus building – 1520 Whitney Court, St. Cloud MN 56303.

Parking: Free in surface lots right outside the door, but download this parking pass for inside your car.

Cost: $5

Register Now!  Attendance will be capped at 32; please register early. Update: Jess Lourey’s publisher is giving a free book to each attendee.

We hope to see you there!


Local schools & libraries in the news…

Spring LambOur Google Alerts delivered a few stories you may be interested in….

Have we missed any? Share them in comments below…

Image credit:, licensed under CC BY 2.0