Category Archives: CMLE

Special Visitor for CMLE Office Hours

Today is our first day of CMLE Office Hours!

Every Wednesday afternoon with an even numbered date, we’ll be here in the office from 11:00 to 1:00, and available for you to visit!

And since this is the very first Wednesday we are holding Office Hours, we have a special visitor: Lady Grey!

Feel free to drop in today between 11:00 and 1:00 to talk about library programs, policies and procedures, ask questions, talk about cool things you are doing, or any other library-type stuff. And you can hang out with Lady Grey or try out our bike desk, if you’d like!

If you can’t make it in, give us a call or email, and we will be happy to help you.

Wednesday Office Hours!

Draw alarm-clock

We like talking with you! And in a recent poll, many people said they would appreciate having a time to just casually drop in to Headquarters to chat about library stuff.

So we have established a CMLE Office Hour for you!

Starting Wednesday, July 12 we will have Office Hours every Wednesday afternoon with an even numbered date. We will be in the office from 11:00 to 1:00, and available for you to visit.

You can feel free to stop in, with no appointment necessary.  Feel free to come talk about library programs, policies and procedures, ask questions, talk about cool things you are doing, or any other library-type stuff! We are available to you.

Want to talk about library things, but can’t make it in to the office? Let us know and we can set up a phone call or a chat session instead!

Come chat about writing policies, working through materials selections, negotiating with vendors, planning your website or social media, going to conferences as a presenter or an attendee, zines/manga/pop culture coolness, or anything else you want to discuss!

Would you like to just come say hi for a minute, and put a face to our names? Do it!

You can test out the bike desks, see the plants and ever-changing seasonal decorations, and check in on Orville The Official Office Bear! (Really, he’s the heart of the whole operation; so you don’t want to miss out on that!)

And of course, we are available at other times to work with you – here or in your library. Our mission is to help you in the work you   are doing in serving your committee, so let’s talk!

Let’s have dinner and library talk!

Do you want to eat dinner and chat about libraries?

We do too!!

Based on a recent poll, this will be a dinner event.

Thursday, July 20th
5:30 pm
The White Horse
809 West Saint Germain, St Cloud, MN 56301

The White Horse Restaurant and Bar doesn’t take reservations so CMLE staff will arrive a little early to hold a table or two.

We have really enjoyed having our social events in the winter and spring; and are looking forward to hearing from you guys about your summer work, any plans you are making for upcoming programs, and any other interesting library things you want to share! (And it’s ALL interesting when it comes to library stuff!!)

So join us on Thursday July 20th and we’ll have some happy library conversation and enjoy some good food! Email us with any questions, and we hope to see you there! 🙂

Please RSVP if you can; we are looking forward to seeing you!

Are you attending Thurs 7/20?


CMLE Office Hours

After our recent poll investigating what type of summer social event our members and fellow library people would like, we discovered there was interest in having time available for people to drop in to our CMLE Headquarters, to chat, ask questions, do some planning, or discuss other library topics!

So we decided to start CMLE HQ Office Hours!

Starting Wednesday, July 12, and every other Wednesday after that (we define this as: all Wednesdays with an even numbered date), we will be in the office from 11:00 to 1:00, and ready to chat about writing policies, working through materials selections, negotiating with vendors, planning your website or social media, going to conferences as a presenter or an attendee, zines/manga/pop culture coolness, or anything else you want to discuss! Would you like to just come say hi for a minute, and put a face to our names? Do it! You can test out the bike desks, see the plants and ever-changing seasonal decorations, and check in on Orville The Official Office Bear! No need to call ahead, just drop in and we will be happy to see you.

We hope you take advantage of these hours and are excited to show you our Headquarters while assisting with your library needs!

New CMLE book group picks for July!

We can’t believe it’s already July! We hope you have been enjoying your summer and staying cool! We’re excited to share with you our picks for our CMLE Goodreads book groups for the month of July:

For our professional development book group, CMLE Librarian Professionals, we will be reading Nonsense: The Power of Not Knowing by Jamie Holmes.
“Managing ambiguity—in our jobs, our relationships, and daily lives—is quickly becoming an essential skill. Yet most of us don’t know where to begin.”


For our fiction book group, CMLE Librarians Enjoying Books, we are going to read People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks.
“In 1996, Hanna Heath, an Australian rare-book expert, is offered the job of a lifetime: analysis and conservation of the famed Sarajevo Haggadah, which has been rescued from Serb shelling during the Bosnian war. ”


Looking forward to reading together! 🙂