Tag Archives: Project ENABLE

ENABLE: Seeking Library Participation!

logoProject ENABLE is a collaborative project between Syracuse University’s School of Information Studies, Center for Digital Literacy, and Burton Blatt Institute. ENABLE strives to provide high quality, comprehensive, train-the-trainer continuing education programs for school librarians with a special focus on delivering effective library and information services to PreK-12 students with disabilities.

If this sounds like a program you would be interested in being a part of, they are currently recruiting 3-person teams consisting of a librarian, general educator and special educator as well as 15 school library faculties in higher education. Participants will be asked to attend a four and a half day workshop on the Syracuse University campus in either June or August 2013. For more information contact cdl@syr.edu.

Webinar for School Librarians Serving Students With Disabilities

Developing the Capacity of School Librarians to Effectively Serve Students with Disabilities

Burton Blatt Institute

Since 2011, Project ENABLE has been training teams of librarians and teachers in the best practices for serving children with disabilities in their schools. The Center for Digital Literacy and the Burton Blatt Institute at Syracuse University are pleased to offer a free, interdisciplinary professional development training program for school librarians on Friday, May 3rd from 3-4PM (CST).

This one hour webinar will (1) introduce school librarians to Project ENABLE’s goals, curriculum, and ubiquitous free online resources; (2) increase school librarians’ understanding of their important role in providing meaningful educational opportunities for students with disabilities; (3) improve their awareness of facilitators and barriers to providing inclusive library programs and services; and (4) introduce them to how two 2011 Project ENABLE workshop participants have been using Project ENABLE practices in their school.

Webinar Presenters

  1. William N. Myhill – Co-Instructor of the 2011 Project ENABLE Workshops and Co-Designer of the Project ENABLE Online Learning Modules
  2. Sara Lissa Paulson – Library Media Specialist and Participant of the 2011 Project ENABLE Workshops
  3. Michelle Mayhood, Kindergarten Teacher and Participant of the 2011 Project ENABLE Workshops

Want to join the webinar?

Send your name, email address, job title and school to cdl@syr.edu on or before April 25, 2013, and enter “Register for Project ENABLE Webinar” in the subject line. You will receive instructions via email for logging into the webinar by April 30, 2013.