Tag Archives: school media

School Librarians: Headed for the History Books?

The December 11th edition of the Star Tribune included an article titled School Librarians: Headed for the History Books, which summarized the current state of affairs for Minnesota school libraries and their staff. The article brought to light the fact that a quarter of the state’s librarians have lost their jobs. Some of the largest districts in the state, including Anoka- Hennepin, St. Paul, and Minneapolis, have very few school librarians considering the number of schools and students served.

MEMO’s president, Tori Jensen, was interviewed for the article. Jensen states that if librarians are cut “ [Schools will] …be OK for three years and then find out there’s nobody there to teach kids the skills that we are experts in. It’s not a matter of bringing the resources to them, it’s about teaching them how to use them.”

Click here http://www.startribune.com/local/east/111702274.html?page=1&c=y to read this article in its entirety.

Laura Bush Grants


Grants Enhance K-12 School Libraries

Laura Bush Foundation for America’s Libraries
The goal of the Laura Bush Foundation for America’s Libraries is to provide print books to the school libraries and students that most need them. Grants of up to $6,000 are made to update, extend, and diversify the book collections of school libraries throughout the United States. Preference is given to elementary, middle, or high schools in which 90% or more of the school population receives free or reduced lunch. Funds are available only for library books and magazine/serial copies, and subscriptions; requests for staffing, shelving, furniture, equipment, software, videos, classroom book sets, or exams are not eligible. All grants are made to individual schools rather than to school districts, foundations, or other entities. The application deadline is December 31, 2008. Online application information is available on the website listed above.