Tag Archives: summer library boot camp

Kick off your summer at Library Bootcamp!

Join us!

Get your summer off to an AWESOME start and join us at CMLE Summer Library Bootcamp!

Do you work in a library?
Do you want to learn some new skills and strategies that will help you better serve your community of users?

Great! That’s all you need to be able to attend our Bootcamp Series!

Our goal as a library multitype system is to provide training and connection opportunities for our members. We’ll be covering several different library skills and sharing strategies and experiences to help you in your own library practice.

Classes will run from 11:00 to 1:00, and light lunch will be provided. Each class will be $10.

Certificates will be issued for two hours of clock hours or CE credit after each class.

Here are the classes being offered this summer. Sign up by following the links to Eventbrite:

CMLE members can apply for a scholarship to take the entire series of all five classes. Do not register through the links below; email us at admin@cmle.org, give your name, your library, and your job there, and confirm you will attend all five classes. We will process your scholarship application with that information and get back to you.

All classes will be held at CMLE Headquarters:
570 1st Street SE
St. Cloud, MN 54304

Email admin@cmle.org with any questions! Let’s kickstart our summer!!

Join us in June for Summer Library Bootcamp!

We can’t wait for summer! Besides the sunshine and lack of snow (finally!!) we are looking forward to our Summer Bootcamp Training Series!

And we want YOU to join us!!

Don’t worry about your job title or whether or not you are a CMLE member. If you work in a library, we’d love to have you!

Our goal as a library multitype system is to provide training and connection opportunities for our members. We’ll be covering several different library skills and sharing strategies and experiences to help you in your own library practice.

Classes will run from 11:00 to 1:00, and light lunch will be provided. Each class will be $10.

Certificates will be issued for two hours of PD or CE credit after each class.

Here are the classes being offered this summer. Sign up by following the links to Eventbrite:

CMLE members can apply for a scholarship to take the entire series of all five classes. Do not register through the links below; email us at admin@cmle.org, give your name, your library, and your job there, and confirm you will attend all five classes. We will process your scholarship application with that information and get back to you.

All classes will be held at CMLE Headquarters:
570 1st Street SE
St. Cloud, MN 54304

Email us with any questions at admin@cmle.org.

Summer is coming! Mark your calendars for CMLE’s Summer Library Bootcamp!

Summer Bootcamp Training Series

One of the missions of CMLE is to provide education and training opportunities for our members, and for other library people. We offered this program last summer, and we’re back again to help you get some great skills for your library!

YOU should join us, no matter what your job title, degree, or level of experience may be!

You also do NOT need to be a CMLE member to take part in these classes.

Our bootcamp classes will take place from 11-1 on the dates listed below, and we’ll provide a light lunch.

Certificates will be issued for two hours of PD or CE credit after each class.

Classes will run from 11:00 to 1:00, and light lunch will be provided. Each class will be $10.

Links to sign up through Eventbrite are at the bottom of this post.

CMLE members can apply for a scholarship to take the entire series of all five classes. Do not register through the links below; email us at admin@cmle.org, give your name, your library, and your job there, and confirm you will attend all five classes. We will process your scholarship application with that information and get back to you.

You can sign up through Eventbrite by following the links below. We’ll also be advertising these classes often on our website.

Certificates will be issued for two hours of clock hours or CE credit after each class.

All classes will be held at CMLE Headquarters:
570 1st Street SE
St. Cloud, MN 54304

Email us with any questions at admin@cmle.org.

Here are the classes being offered this summer, sign up by following the link .

Let’s do good library stuff in June!

Muizenberg Beach HutsWhat are you up to in June?? Vacations are fun! To make them even better, you could join us for the Summer Library Boot Camp series!

We want to be sure we are helping all our members to hone the skills they need to be wonderful in their libraries. Each session will be two hours, from 11 to 1:00. Light lunch will be served. We will talk about our topic, share ideas, and everyone will leave with a basic understanding of how to use the class topic and some strategies to try in your own library.

Scroll down through these classes, and sign up for each class!

CopyrightCopyright Tue. June 12

If you are in a library, you are probably the point person for answering copyright questions, or for enforcing copyright rules for your organization.

But: how confident do you feel in your knowledge of federal copyright law?? If you are like a lot of library people, you would probably feel better if you had more basic experience.

In this class we will walk through the basics of copyright law, and some ideas about training your community members in understanding and following copyright laws. (Pointing out some of the massive potential financial penalties can be helpful!)

REGISTER for Copyright class HERE


Weeding Lettuce (4858251381)Collection Development and Weeding Thurs. June 14

Of course libraries are much more than “just” books, but books are our best-known product. In this class we are going to talk about creating a collection development policy specific to your library. As part of that process, we will also talk about strategies for weeding without tears – yours or anyone else’s! (It’s a challenge, but it can be done!)

REGISTER For Collection Development Class HERE

Don Quijote de La Mancha, Teresa Carreño TeatherProgramming on a Budget Tue. June 19

We are known for books, and even for computers; but libraries are so much more! In this session, we will discuss different types of programs that you might try in your own library. We will focus on programs that require little (or no!) money, materials, or even prep. Participants will be encouraged to share details of programs they have attended or have presented.

REGISTER for Programming Class HERE



Connecting to Your Community
Thurs. June21

Our whole job is to do some great customer service. We use a variety of tools: books, materials, programs. But our real job is to connect information to people in the communities we serve – things they need, things they want, things they may not even know exist! In this session we are going to talk about ways to identify the demographics of your community members (it’s not always obvious), and strategies to make those good connections.

REGISTER for Connecting Class HERE


Digital literacy disciplines

Training for Information Literacy
Tue. June 26

When people ask what we do in libraries, talking about Information Literacy will always be the right answer! In this session we will chat about the basics of Information Literacy, then talk about strategies for training different age groups and community groups. Identifying fake news is not a challenge; let’s help the communities we serve to understand the information that is both accurate and best for their personal needs!

REGISTER for Info Literacy HERE


What are you doing this summer? Join us in June!

GLAM Bootcamp logo

Summer Boot Camp Training Series

Who should join us??


Do you need to have a special job title or
degree or experience??


Will you learn valuable things AND get a light lunch??


Certificates will be issued for two hours of PD or CE credit after each class.

Classes will run from 11:00 to 1:00, and light lunch will be provided. Each class will be $10.

CMLE members can apply for a scholarship to take the entire series of all five classes. Do not register through the links below; email us at admin@cmle.org, give your name, your library, and your job there, and confirm you will attend all five classes. We will process your scholarship application with that information and get back to you.

It is not necessary to be a CMLE member – join us for any or all of these classes!

All classes will be held at CMLE Headquarters:
570 1st Street SE
St. Cloud, MN 54304

Email us with any questions at admin@cmle.org.

Scroll down through these classes, and sign up at the bottom of the page!!

CopyrightCopyright Tue. June 12

If you are in a library, you are probably the point person for answering copyright questions, or for enforcing copyright rules for your organization.

But: how confident do you feel in your knowledge of federal copyright law?? If you are like a lot of library people, you would probably feel better if you had more basic experience.

In this class we will walk through the basics of copyright law, and some ideas about training your community members in understanding and following copyright laws. (Pointing out some of the massive potential financial penalties can be helpful!)

REGISTER for Copyright class HERE


Weeding Lettuce (4858251381)Collection Development and Weeding Thurs. June 14

Of course libraries are much more than “just” books, but books are our best-known product. In this class we are going to talk about creating a collection development policy specific to your library. As part of that process, we will also talk about strategies for weeding without tears – yours or anyone else’s! (It’s a challenge, but it can be done!)

REGISTER For Collection Development Class HERE

Don Quijote de La Mancha, Teresa Carreño TeatherProgramming on a Budget Tue. June 19

We are known for books, and even for computers; but libraries are so much more! In this session, we will discuss different types of programs that you might try in your own library. We will focus on programs that require little (or no!) money, materials, or even prep. Participants will be encouraged to share details of programs they have attended or have presented.

REGISTER for Programming Class HERE



Connecting to Your Community
Thurs. June21

Our whole job is to do some great customer service. We use a variety of tools: books, materials, programs. But our real job is to connect information to people in the communities we serve – things they need, things they want, things they may not even know exist! In this session we are going to talk about ways to identify the demographics of your community members (it’s not always obvious), and strategies to make those good connections.

REGISTER for Connecting Class HERE

Digital literacy disciplines

Training for Information Literacy
Tue. June 26

When people ask what we do in libraries, talking about Information Literacy will always be the right answer! In this session we will chat about the basics of Information Literacy, then talk about strategies for training different age groups and community groups. Identifying fake news is not a challenge; let’s help the communities we serve to understand the information that is both accurate and best for their personal needs!

REGISTER for Info Literacy HERE