Primer for Minnesota Library Advocacy

**Courtesy of MLA Legislative News**

Want to have more information while talking with your legislators, either on Library Legislative Day or anytime during a Legislative Session? Check out the Primer for Minnesota Library Advocacy!

This primer is intended to assist both newcomers and old hands in advocating for Minnesota libraries of all types. The hope is to provide a one-stop spot for information about what is going on in the current legislative session, an overview of how Minnesota libraries and systems work together to meet the needs of all Minnesotans, how to participate in Library Legislative Day, and an “Advocacy 101” introduction to those who may be new to advocacy.

You can access this primer by clicking on “Primer for Minnesota Library Advocacy” on the Advocacy and Legislation page of the MLA website. Please contact Michael Scott, 2011 MLA Legislative Chair, at, with comments or suggestions for the primer.