Information in this post was submitted and written by Kristen Mastel, MLA President received 10/31/13.
The Minnesota Library Association is pleased to announce the winners of the 2013 MLA Annual Awards:
- William DeJohn (posthumously) was the recipient of the William G. Asp Distinguished Career Award in memoriam for his gifts of leadership and collaboration, his support of MLA, and his dedication to the role of libraries and their staffs in addressing the lifelong learning needs of Minnesota residents.
- Susan Hansen, Rochester Public Library, received the Above & Beyond Award for exemplary service to the Rochester Public Library community and “above and beyond” teamwork and support for her colleagues.
- Michelle Filkins and Jennifer DeJonghe received the Above & Beyond Award on behalf of the David Barton Community Labyrinth and Reflective Garden, Metropolitan State University, for creating both a fitting memorial to Library Dean David Barton and an innovative way for the library and university to engage with its students and with the local community.
- Anna Hulseberg, Gustavus Adolphus College, received the MLA President’s Award in recognition of her attention to detail, process improvements, and financial management while serving as Minnesota Library Association treasurer.
- Kirsten Clark, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, received the MLA President’s Award in recognition of her dedication to the Intellectual Freedom Committee as Chair, service as Member-at-Large, and leadership in redesigning the MLA logo.
Once again, congratulations to this year’s award recipients! If you would like to learn more about award category mentioned above, feel free to visit MLA’s Awards page, online.
Kristen Mastel, MLA President