CMLE Featured Service: Book Discounts

Nine book companies are participating in the CMLE discount program this year, and six of them are discounting e-books!  If you are staff at a Central MN library, please check your inbox for an  email attachment with all of the discount details. These discounts provide cost savings to 319 academic, school, public, and special libraries. Participating book  companies this year are listed below, the companies with e-book discounts are blue! Don’t forget, you must mention the promo code with each company to get the described discounts. Please let me know if you have any problems using these discounts, or if the list does not include a company you would like to suggest for inclusion next year. These discounts are a perk to you as part of your free membership as a CMLE member library. The discounts are also available on our website, but without promo codes. Send input about this service to

Question: What other companies do you order library books from?

Didn’t get the email with the promo code attachment? Send an email to and use subject line, Discount Promo Codes Needed.

Abdo, Baker & Taylor, Brodart, Follett, Gumdrop, Ingram, Mackin,

 Scholastic, and Usborne