CMLE membership needs assessment!

All the cool kids fill out surveys!


This one goes out just to our members! (Everyone else: we like you too. We are just looking for member feedback right now.)

Survey Link

As your library system, our job at CMLE Headquarters is to support you and provide help in training, grants, and other services to make your job easier as you serve your community. And so: this survey.
As I am new, I want to get acquainted with all the libraries in our system, and to start making some longer range plans on services we can provide to help you to do your jobs. I want to know what people are doing, what kinds of continuing education would be useful, what issues you see coming up, and really anything else you think is important for me to know about the libraries here.Tell me about your job, about the things that are important to you, and let me know what CMLE can do to help you!

You might also get this survey emailed to you. It’s the same survey – just fill it out once. And if you did not get it in the mail: here it is! Please pass it on to someone else in the system, so we are sure we are covering everyone.
We are not collecting names here – individual responses are not really important in this survey; we want to see the groupings of answers so we can make plans. There will be a place at the very end to leave a name and email (it can be just a first name and a non-work email if you choose, to preserve your anonymity as much as you wish); this will not be included in any data analysis or reporting. Two people, randomly selected, from that group to each win a $25 gift card, as a thank you for your time. (We will send it to the email you provide.)
The survey should take ten or fifteen minutes to finish. You are not obligated to fill this out, or to finish it if you start. But I’m asking you to do as much as you can, because your information will help us to help all the libraries in CMLE.
Help us to make CMLE better for you!
Thank you so much for your time here. Please feel free to email me anytime with survey questions, or to talk about bringing some training to your library!
Once again: The Survey Link