Let’s share information at a conference: Create a Poster!

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CMLE members – we passed this information on to you earlier, but want to be sure you know the deadline is approaching!!

Do you have a program that was successful? A neat new material? A process that you started? A huge disaster that you were able to fix? Any of these would be interesting to share with your library colleagues!

If you have not done a poster before, no problem! At CMLE Headquarters, we are available to help you with your application now, and with the poster itself before the conference. Just email, call, or drop by to talk with us about

The ALA Annual Conference, where these will be presented, is in Chicago this summer. Having a poster to present is a great way to advocate with your boss for time to go! You can have a great time, meet up with all kinds of library people doing amazing things!

Just over 2 weeks left to submit your proposal for the 2017 ALA Annual Poster Session!

Dear colleagues,

Share your best ideas and work with the national library community by presenting a poster session at the 2017 ALA Annual Conference in Chicago!

The poster session committee encourages submissions from all types of libraries and on any topic relevant to librarianship. Submissions may include a description of an innovative library program; an analysis of a solution to a problem; a report of a research study; or any other presentation that would benefit the larger library community.

Poster session participants place materials such as pictures, data, graphs, diagrams and narrative text on boards that are usually 4 x 8 feet. During their assigned 1½ hour time periods, participants informally discuss their presentations with conference attendees. Titles/abstracts from previous years are available on ALA Connect: (note that this site is only serving as an archive for previous Annual Conference poster sessions – for information on this year’s poster session, go to the 2017 ALA poster session website).

The deadline for submitting an application is February 3, 2017. Applicants will be notified in the first half of March, after a double blind peer review process, whether their submission has been accepted for presentation at the conference. The 2017 ALA Annual Poster Sessions will be held June 24 and 25, 2017 in the exhibits hall.

Start the application process now.  You must login to the site using your ALA username and password, or you can create a username and password for the site before you submit your application.

Questions about poster session presentations and submissions may be directed to:

Blake Doherty, chair of the ALA poster session committee, bdoherty@amherst.edu


Candace Benefiel, chair of the ALA poster session review panel, c-benefiel@tamu.edu

Website: https://www.conferenceabstracts.com/cfp2/login.asp?EventKey=SGGBSIDC

Blake Doherty

Research, Instruction, and Outreach Librarian

Frost Library, Amherst College

