Save yourself from the Ides of March! Join us!!

The other 10% said, "He had it coming to him."
“Listen to your librarian” also seems like good advice!

At CMLE Headquarters, our mission is to serve our members. One of the biggest issues our members have talked about with us is the problem of being alone in their libraries, or feeling unconnected from the work other library people are doing.

We are on the job for you!

We have a variety of opportunities for all of us to gather in person to chat about libraries (or other topics – we are fascinating people after all!), and to visit libraries.

Our visits to member libraries will happen monthly; our social dinner gatherings happen approximately every other month. All of these events are flexible; if you need to leave early, we understand and will just be happy to see you!

These gatherings are a chance for all of us to chat about libraries, issues you are facing in your library, and to tell us about great success stories you experience. Being alone in your library, or being the only person who does what you do in your library, can seem rough. We want to give you lots of ways to connect with your community of library people here in CMLE!

We will be delighted to see you at any, or all, of these events no matter what; but if you know in advance that you can attend, please leave an RSVP below. Then we know to expect you! We will send you a reminder email before each event when you sign up below.

Joining us? Tell us!(required)