All posts by Angie

We Heart MN: Our Somali-American Neighbors!

Since our Central Minnesota area has become home to many Somali immigrants, we want to learn more about their culture and experiences in order to build understanding and community with our new neighbors! Here are some books to help:

Soo Fariista/Come Sit Down: A Somali American Cookbook by Wariyaa. “Somali Americans celebrate a shared heritage at mealtime. No matter what country they first called home, no matter how they found their way to Minnesota, members of this community come together over shaahkackac, and halwad (that is, tea, beignets, and sweets). Realizing how quickly traditions can change in a culture on the move, Somali American students set out to preserve their culinary legacy by interviewing family members, researching available and alternative ingredients, and testing kitchen techniques. In Soo Fariista / Come Sit Down, seventy recipes for everything from saabuuse (stuffed pastry) to suqaar (sauteed meat) to canjeelo (flatbread) to shushumow (fried sweet dough) honor memories and flavors from East Africa with adjustments for American realities.”

From Somalia to Snow by Hudda Ibrahim
This book “gives readers an invaluable insider’s look into the lives and culture of our Somali neighbors and the important challenges they face. In providing a great understanding of Somali culture, tradition, religion, and issues of integration and assimilation, this book also focuses on why thousands of Somali refugees came to live in this cold, snowy area with people of predominantly European descent.”

Through My Eyes by Tammy Wilson
“After being caught in Somalia’s horrific civil war, Zamzam escapes with her mother, sister, and brothers to America. But when she arrives, she learns that she has to deal with biases and stereotyping she isn’t prepared to handle. Zamzam dreams of making a difference in this world, and she wants to be seen as a person who has value.  Through My Eyes is a story of compassion, empathy, and the importance of eliminating stereotypes to promote social justice. Join eleven-year-old Zamzam as she navigates her way through her new country while embracing her Somali values.”

Ways to Participate in Banned Books Week 2018

It’s coming! Banned Books Week 2018 is next week, Sept. 23rd – 29th. What is Banned Books Week? It’s when the book community comes together “in shared support of the freedom to seek and to express ideas, even those some consider unorthodox or unpopular.”

“The books featured during Banned Books Week have all been targeted with removal or restricted in libraries and schools. By focusing on efforts across the country to remove or restrict access to books, Banned Books Week draws national attention to the harms of censorship.”

Are you looking for ways to get involved and celebrate Banned Books Week in your media center, library, classroom, or even just for yourself? ALA has this article which features lots of suggestions, including:

  • Participate in the Dear Banned Author letter-writing campaign. Write to a favorite banned author (or post to social media) and share how their story has impacted your life. Use the hashtag #DearBannedAuthor.
  • Host or attend a Banned Book Week event! See if there is one in your area here.
  • Have a Banned Book Read-Out, which is a “continuous reading of banned and challenged books. Readers can join the tradition by posting a video of themselves reading from a banned book or talking about censorship.”
  • Attend the FREE webinar “Speak Out: Voicing Movements in the Face of Censorship” on Sept 25th at 1:30pm CST
  • Download free banners, infographics, social media images, coloring sheets, and more from ALA’s site.

Are you hosting an event or creating a display at your library for Banned Books week? Take a picture or just tell us about it! We’d love to hear more! Email us at

Next Tuesday: Library Advocacy Postcard Party in the Park!

We don’t mean to alarm you, but since the earliest reported measurable snowfall in Minnesota was on September 14th, 1964, you should probably make the most of our currently comfortable and snow-free outdoor situation! Looking for a way to embrace this? Come to CMLE’s Postcard Party in the Park!

We host our Library Advocacy Postcard Parties several times each year in order to contact library stakeholders to remind them just how valuable and important libraries are to their communities. We mean all types of libraries: public, academic, special, and school.

For this postcard party we are focusing on local officials and decision makers. That means school boards, city council members, principals, and more. We will again provide library advocacy postcards, postage, and yummy snacks to fuel your advocacy efforts! If you are unsure of the identity of your local officials, do some research beforehand, otherwise we’re happy to help you out.

We look forward to seeing you next Tuesday! (If you can’t make it to the Gardens, stop by CMLE HQ and fill out a few postcards and we’ll get them mailed for you).

Library Staff serving Youth Meet-Up in New Ulm

Do you work with young people at your library? Do you want to connect with other people from all different types of libraries that also work with youth? Do you like FREE professional development events?! Then mark your calendars for this event on Saturday, October 6th!

Join other library staff working with kids at this unique professional development meet-up. Get together with area colleagues to share experiences and ideas. Potential topics include using ebooks Minnesota, successful school and public library collaborations, and building your local networks.  The agenda will be refined by the registered participants.

Library staff working with youth from all kinds of libraries are welcome to participate in this free professional development event.

Sponsored by Traverse des Sioux Library Cooperative in partnership with the Minnesota Department of Education. Up to 3 continuing education contact hours are available.”

After the event you can check out the area of New Ulm, which includes Schell’s Brewery, a state park, and plenty of German heritage! For more information, check out the event page.

Are you coming to tea with CMLE?

Getting together with our members in person is always something we value at CMLE. Since our members work in school media centers, history centers, archives, public, and academic libraries, we really appreciate learning about the diversity of tasks and challenges you handle every day! Plus, we love when our members get to meet each other and form connections across different types of libraries.

So, with that in mind, we are excitedly looking forward to our CMLE Tea event on September 30th! This will take place at the Mad Hatter Restaurant, in Anoka at 10:30am. (Have you been there before? We have not and are really excited, it looks like a delightful place!)

To make this event more accessible to our members we are also offering “scholarships” to CMLE members who RSVP to us by Monday, Sept 24. We will cover the cost of your Queen of Hearts tea service if you respond below. (We need to make reservations!)