All posts by admincmle

The Central Minnesota Libraries Exchange (CMLE) is one of seven regional multitype library systems established to meet the needs of and share the resources of all types of libraries. We love libraries, and are here to support them!

Library Consultant Group Unveils Report

MDE logo retrieved online 12/17/13..The 2014 Minnesota Legislature directed the commissioner of the Department of Education to consult with people knowledgeable about state libraries and service delivery about ways to increase service delivery and collaboration between library governance systems.Over the past five months, the Libraries and Service Delivery Consultant Group reviewed options for changing library procedures and governance systems to ensure equitable and cost-effective access to library services statewide. The legislative charge also asked the group to consider ways to increase access to emerging electronic services.

A final report with recommendations was due to the Legislature by February 1, 2015, and is now available.

Library ideas worth $3 million!

Have you ever heard of the Knight Foundation? Quite simply, they support transformational ideas that promote quality journalism, advance media innovation, engage communities and foster the arts. They believe that democracy thrives when people and communities are informed and engaged.

It is no surprise that in late 2014, Knight “challenged applicants for ideas that leverage libraries as a platform to build more knowledgeable communities, recognizing their potential as drivers of innovation, creativity, news and information, entrepreneurship, education and social resources.” Sound like a tall order? Not for libraries! Winners were announced at the ALA Midwinter Conference with 8 winners receiving $130,000 to $600,000, while 14 early-stage ideas will receive $35,000 each through the Knight Prototype Fund. This fund helps libraries take media and information projects from idea to demo.

The full press release is priceless in that it includes links to videos and profiles of every funded project. There are some seriously creative ideas to peruse, and it makes me wonder….are we imagining the full potential of our Minnesota libraries of the future?

 Image credit:, licensed under CC0 1.0


From the Director: A CMLE Wish List

PPphotoIf you have been following our legislative updates, you will notice that the Minnesota Multitypes have requested a funding increase. Just as it is fun to fantasize a bit about winning the lottery, so goes it with multitype funding. The multitypes were created in Minnesota Statute in such a way that our funding stays flat until we ask for an increase. This means that sometimes our funding can stay flat for 10-15 years, which has happened in the past. Needless to say, flat funding presents special problems when the cost of doing business increases each year!

I think you will be excited to hear what CMLE might be able to do if we should get the requested funding increase.

With this funding increase, CMLE would acquire additional infrastructure/staff/expertise to do the following either regionally or more broadly, in collaboration with others. Of course, if we get less than we ask for, things will need to come off this list, so please consider it a draft! CMLE could….

  1. Replicate tried, true, and evaluated programs (some by other multitypes) in the CMLE region. Possible examples are Camp Read a Lot, and the MILI Information Literacy Program (scaled for Greater MN region)
  2. Support better access, understanding, and hands on skill sets with media specialists and teachers around ELM resources, including the new Learning Express
  3. Explore expansion and/or provision of eBook collections to K-12 schools
  4. Increase the number of professional development events and activities for library staff from all library types
  5. Contract with an evaluation expert to assist libraries in evaluating their efforts and crafting their stories. Then, assist libraries in telling their stories through various venues, ranging from social media to the Legislature
  6. Contract with a copyright expert to respond to questions from the field
  7. Create an online professional library collection that supports librarians needs
  8. Increase CMLE’s ability to capture presentations (video) and share content more broadly
  9. Add the ability to bus Central MN library staff to Twin Cities events like MN Book Awards, Teen Lit Con, and Library Legislative Day

Are there CMLE member services on your wish list, but not on ours? Are there things on the list that surprise you? We are always interested in your input and feedback, so send them pronto to

College Readiness and Pinterest

School Library Journal recently rolled out  a new column that deals specifically with college readiness. We are often tempted to get hung up on ACT or SAT scores when we consider readiness, which are only part of the equation. In fact, emotional maturity plays an important role in freshman success too. There is an important role for librarians to play in bridging the gap between high school and college.

In their first installment of the College Ready column, interestingly, a tool of choice to help bridge the readiness gap is Pinterest. Who knew that there is actually a Pinterest board called 20 Things I Wish I Knew Freshman Year!

Read the full piece to get other great Pinterest boards on this subject, and to get ideas about how to combat Senior-itis too, which may already be in full bloom! Read the full post at School Library Journal.

Image credit:, licensed under CC0 1.0

10 Big Deal Library Issues of 2014

Number 10I love this time of year, when our online publishing friends take a shot at what they deem as a big deal in the past year. In the ongoing flood of information, I find it enormously helpful to have someone else take stock, and flag important items and developments. A lot happens in one year!

In a list of 10 items furnished by Publishers Weekly (PW), it is not surprising that eBooks has a firm hold, and it is helpful to review the progress that has been made in that arena.

Which item am I most excited about? I am particularly energized and hopeful about the role of libraries in the self-publishing community (item 8). What about you, which of the listed items renews your hope and gets you excited?

Review the PW list of ten here!


Image credit:, licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0