All posts by admincmle

The Central Minnesota Libraries Exchange (CMLE) is one of seven regional multitype library systems established to meet the needs of and share the resources of all types of libraries. We love libraries, and are here to support them!

Has OverDrive Gone Too Far?

Wait, where am I again?Once again, OverDrive is changing the rules, and the ReadersFirst Coalition of libraries are protesting! According to OverDrive, the improvements to the OverDrive app are in direct response to what libraries have been asking for, an easier user experience. While the good news is that the app would no longer require users to register for an Adobe ID (to navigate the DRM), new users would have to register with OverDrive for an account. Let me repeat….the twist  going forward for new OverDrive app users, including library patrons, will be a registration step with OverDrive. This shifts the eBook relationship that has been between the library and the patron, over to OverDrive! The devil is in the details, so read the full blog post for more important information.

What do you think…..who owns the customer relationship, libraries, or the vendors they pay for content?

Image credit:, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0




We've Learned: Library Staffing Updates

LightbulbWe’ve Learned….is designed to keep our readers informed about news concerning personnel in Central MN libraries/media centers. With 12 counties to monitor, we need your help! Please contact CMLE at any time you are aware of  staffing changes, job postings, awards, honors, accomplishments….you get the idea!

Changes in Library Staff

  • Mary O Dea is the new Emerging Technologies librarian in the SCSU Library
  • Karen Pundsack is the new Interim Executive Director of Great River Regional Library
  • Julianne Ninteman is the new Media Specialist at Talahi Elementary in St. Cloud.
  • Sara Martini, previously the  media specialist at Talahi Elementary is now at Westwood Elementary in St. Cloud.
  • Diane Crossley, Media Specialist, has moved from Lincoln to Clearview Elementary, Clear Lake
  • Jennifer Dahlstrom-Lage is the new Media Specialist at Lincoln Elementary, St. Cloud.
  • Gwen Toppe, is now the Media Specialist at Big Lake Middle and High School.
  • Krista Mohs is the new librarian at All Saints Academy in St. Joseph


  • Sharon Lilke, Media Specialist, has retired from Big Lake Middle School
  • Jan Hasbrouck, Media Specialist, has retired from Westwood Elementary School

Others? What/who have we missed?


Image credit:, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

ITEM/MEMO Conference – Register Now!

ITEMNew Name! New Conference! Same Great Experience!

The days are dwindling down to a precious few! The Fall 2014 ITEM Conference, “Made in Minnesota: Information and Technology Educators” Conference, which starts with a pre-conference event on October 2, and ramps up into two more days of learning and leading for anyone interested in education technology on October 3-4.


Highlights include:

  • Inaugural Keynote Naomi Harm “Minnesota Moon Shot Thinking” (Friday 8 – 9am)
  • 36 breakout sessions on: Literature and Reading, Professional Development and Library Management, Curriculum and Collaboration, 1:1 Programs, Technology Leadership, Differentiated Learning (Friday 10am – 4:30pm, Saturday 2 – 3:45pm)

No Money? A CMLE scholarship of up to $200 is yours to use for registration, hotel, mileage, meals, or to subsidize the cost of your employer hiring a substitute worker so you can be away. If you approach your boss to say you have found a way to contribute  $200, they will know you are invested and have taken initiative. The application process is easy, CMLE would love to exhaust its scholarship budget this year, so go for it!

Remember you can stay up to date with upcoming events in the events table.


Just How Big Are the Big Six?

MoneyLeave it to James LaRue to put things in perspective for us regarding the monetary power of the big publishers. In the past couple of years with pricing struggles with the Big Six (Five now), is it possible that in our minds they have gotten bigger than they really are? Very possibly. When we consider that Amazon alone has more capital than the Big Six combined, we have reason to take pause.

See LaRue’s post to view a table of annual sales of first the top five US publishers, then the annual revenues of the Big Six. The data was extracted from the following report that LaRue endorses for every library Board packet.

The report is Exploring Connections: Independent Publishers and Research Libraries,’ by Amy Ballmer, Albert Municino, Judith Schwartz, and Robert Weiss for the Metropolitan New York Library Council.

This idea of working more closely with independent publishers and research libraries for eContent was a topic of conversation recently at the Explore eBooks MN Summit event. No time to attend? Hear the speakers and view the results of facilitated conversations here.

Image credit:, licensed under CC BY 2.0


Featured Book: Far Far Away

Far Far AwayThis post is a part of an original series created by librarians/media specialists across Central Minnesota featuring books.

Title: Far Far Away by Tom McNeal

Written by Maria Burnham, Media Specialist at Sauk Rapids-Rice High School

This book is an interesting, genre-busting YA novel.  Set in the current day in the town of Never Better, Jeremy Johnson is a quiet boy who is doing all he can to keep his life afloat.  With a deceased mother and a recluse of a father unable to work or pay the bills, Jeremy is forced to do what he can to keep a roof over his head and food on the table.  But what makes Jeremy’s life interesting (and bearable, to him) is that he hears a voice that helps to guide him through the world.  And it’s not just any voice; it’s the voice of Jacob Grimm, one half of the famous writing duo of the Grimm brothers.  Part mystery, part fantasy, part realistic fiction, this novel is sure to keep you wondering.

The first half of the book was interesting, but a little slow. However, when I got to the last 100 pages, I could NOT put the book down. I literally bit my nails as I read. I love that the narrator of the book is the ghost of Jacob Grimm and that there are many connections to Grimm’s tales. This book is full of storyline layers that I love.

My only gripe is that I could see a logistical flaw toward the end of the book. I can’t mention what it is because it would spoil the book for some. Without that flaw, I would’ve given the book 5 stars! My favorite YA book of the summer to be sure!

 National Book Award Nominee for Young People’s Literature (2013), Michigan Library Association Thumbs Up! Award for Honor book (2014), Carnegie Medal in Literature Nominee (2014), YALSA Best Fiction for Young Adults (Top Ten) (2014)


Image credit: Random House LLC