Category Archives: Academic

Academics: Heard of the Open Syllabus Project?

So, what do you get when you gather one million college course syllabuses off of university websites, extract some of their key components (metadata), dump it all into a big database, and add a powerful search engine named Syllabus Explorer? You get the Open Syllabus Project!

According to the New York Times….”The hope and expectation is that this tool will enable people to learn new things about teaching, publishing and intellectual history. We think that the Syllabus Explorer demonstrates how more open strategies can support teaching, diversify evaluation practices and offer new perspectives on publishing, scholarship and intellectual traditions.”

Without a doubt, this Project is controversial, but I will let you read the full article to weigh in on the issues. Read more now….

May "Library Reads" Booklist

library_reads_logo_websiteAre you familiar with Library Reads? Quite simply, LibraryReads is a process to involve public librarians in recommending adult books. Then, each month the top ten most loved published adult books are shared in a list for book lovers.

Hot off the press, LibraryReads shares the May 2016 booklist!

If you are interested in participating in the LibraryReads process of nominating titles, getting advanced copies of books, or voting,  see their FAQ page.





Library directors identify top skills for librarians of the future

Luring for InspirationLibrary Journal reached out to academic and public library directors and other thought leaders to find out what new skills they expect to need in librarians in the next 20 years. Eleven skills emerged as the essentials. Don’t expect fancy new skills, indeed, many of them build on what is already needed in the library community!

It strikes me that our profession seems to attract lots of introverts, when in fact, many of the needed skills may really push introverted librarians outside of their comfort zone. As you review this list, consider how many of these things are areas you are strong in and where you need to grow to stay on top of your craft!

Image credit:, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0


State Library Services Update: 4/5/16

MDE logo retrieved online 12/17/13..
MDE logo retrieved online 12/17/13..

TO: Minnesota Libraries
FROM: State Library Services
DATE: April 5, 2016
SUBJECT: Updates from State Library Services

Learn More about Current LSTA Grant Opportunities
To learn more about our two current LSTA grant opportunities, please attend an upcoming grant guidance webinar on Tuesday, April 12, 2016, 4:00-5:00 p.m. There is no need to pre-register; just click on the webinar link. Grant applications and instructions are available on the Minnesota Department of Education’s Grants Management site. Visit the LSTA webpage, view the 2016 grant opportunities timeline, or contact Jackie Blagsvedt (651-582-8805) for more information.

Attend Regional Meetings to Strengthen Adult Learning Communities
Better Together: Strengthening Adult Learning Opportunities is an educational and networking event designed to foster local partnerships among libraries, adult basic education, and workforce organizations to work together to build a stronger, more highly skilled workforce.

At each session, you’ll hear promising practices for collaboration across organizations and learn about free resources that promote digital literacy and workforce skills. You’ll also have a chance to work with your local partners to develop a collaborative project. Register today for the workshop nearest you:

April 29, 2016 – Roseville at Minnesota Department of Education
May 9, 2016 – Mankato at Country Inn and Suites
May 16, 2016 – Grand Rapids at Saw Mill Inn

To help put your ideas for collaboration into action, we are able to offer a competitive grant opportunity that will award up to ten grants with a maximum of $5,000/applicant. At least one of your project partners must attend a Better Together workshop and proposed projects must show promise for sustainability. More information, including an application, will be available at Better Together sessions.

For more information, to request an accommodation, or to be included on a mailing list for future announcements, please contact Emily Kissane (651-582-8508).

Participate in a Webinar about Summer Meal Programs for Museums and Libraries
Jimmy Nguyen, USDA Food and Nutrition Service, hosts a webinar on Wednesday, April 13 from 1:00-2:00 pm about how your library or museum can get involved in the Summer Meals Program. Hear from other museums and libraries about how they’ve participated, get your questions answered, and share ideas. Register today. Contact MDE’s Summer Food Service Program Coordinator Jenny Butcher or our own Jen Verbrugge with questions about Minnesota’s procedures for becoming a summer food site.

Brush Up on Legal Reference Basics
Registration is now open for the Minnesota Coalition of County Law Libraries Spring Legal Education Workshop. Join your talented and knowledgeable local law librarians to learn more about:
– Navigating the new Minnesota Judicial Branch webpage (court forms) and the new State Law Library webpage
– Protecting yourself and diffusing difficult customers
– Making appropriate referrals and avoiding unauthorized practice of law
– Experiencing the Conciliation Court (small claims) process

The training will take place at the Ramsey County Plato Building, in the Plato Conference Room, at 90 Plato Boulevard in Saint Paul on April 22, 2016 from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. There is free on-site parking. Register today. For more information, please contact Mary Ellen Gallagher (952-891-7135).

Take Part in Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Topic Area Meetings
Beginning April 6, MDE will host a series of meetings covering ten different topics in April and May to both share the ESSA law and gain input and better understand stakeholder priorities that will inform future work groups. The input gathered from these meetings will have a significant impact on shaping Minnesota’s new system, although they will not produce final recommendations for implementation. The full meeting schedule is available on the MDE ESSA webpage. If you would like more information about the upcoming meetings or have general questions related to ESSA, please contact MDE.

The 10 Percent Solution
Thanks to all of the library directors and report filers who submitted their 2015 annual reports! More than 90 percent of Minnesota’s public libraries completed the survey by the April 1 deadline. Libraries regularly demonstrate their conscientiousness; the Public Library Survey has one of the best response rates among federally-mandated surveys. 97 percent of public libraries nationwide completed the survey in 2013. Minnesota anticipates a 100 percent response rate for 2015 data. Minnesota’s 141 public library administrative entities complete the online survey annually. Statistics include input and output measures related to facilities, services, programs, income and expenditures, staffing, hours of operation, and collections. Please contact Joe Manion (651-582-8640) for more information about the Minnesota Public Library Report.

Screen Documentaries for Free at your Library
POV is a long-running PBS documentary series that puts a human face on contemporary social issues through timely films that share unforgettable stories. Part of POV’s mission is to lend its films for free screenings. Along with a DVD, POV provides a discussion guide and suggested reading list to help librarians facilitate community conversations and provide context for the film. Your only expense is the cost of shipping the DVD via media mail to POV. In addition to more than 80 films from past POV seasons, documentaries from POV’s upcoming season are available for sneak-preview screenings prior to their debut on PBS. Check out their 29th season line-up that includes the dates when sneak-preview screenings may begin. Begin by registering with the POV Community Network. If you have questions, the POV Community Engagement and Education team can be reached by email or phone at 212-989-8121, ext. 318.

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