Category Archives: Academic

Register now for Supervisor Nuts & Bolts Workshop

photo-1422854068916-cf163783f7caDo you lead, supervise or give work direction to others? Could you use a few tips?

CMLE invites you to attend two “after school” sessions from 4 – 6 pm; the first one being Thursday, April 14th, the second being May 12). It is important that you plan on attending both days as the second event builds on the first.

Consultant Chris Kudrna will guide us through strategies, tips and tricks you can use tomorrow to better supervise, lead, and/or give work direction. Enjoy time for sharing and/or Q & A with Chris, and get the coaching you need to be a positive force in your workplace.

Event Details

Who: Academic, K-12, public, and special library staff from Central Minnesota
Cost: Free to you. CMLE will underwrite the consultant costs and refreshments.
Where: In CMLE’s new space in the Central MN Educational Research & Development Council (cmERDC). Located right next to Target East. 570 1st St. SE., St. Cloud, MN 56304

Register Now

Image credit: (Ross Tinney), licensed under CC0 1.0

Writers to watch: Spring 2016

SweetbitterIts always delightful to stumble upon a new writer and find a treasure of new books to read. Here is a collection of brilliant authors who are noted for their “standout debut fiction” and are considered “writers to watch” by Publishers Weekly.

And several more!

Publishers Weekly Spring 2016 Writers to Watch


AASL Recommended App: Remind

remindThe American Association of School Librarians (AASL) offers their 25 Best Apps for Teaching & Learning. The apps were chosen because they foster innovation, creativity, active participation, and collaboration.

This week we highlight Remind – an app that lets teachers text students and parents. In the app, “teachers, coaches, or administrators can send reminders, assignments, homework, assessments, or motivational messages directly to  students’ & parents’ phones.” AASL’s tip suggests teachers use it to let parents know what students’ homework is for the night.

The app is recommended for all students and is FREE on iOS and Google Play. They are available on a host of devices and usually cost money. Check out this overview presentation from Remind:

MN State Library Updates 3/9/16

MDE logo retrieved online 12/17/13..

TO: Minnesota Libraries
FROM: State Library Services
DATE: March 9, 2016
SUBJECT: Updates from State Library Services

Libraries Serving Youth Meetup – Registration Now Open
Be part of this annual opportunity for school librarians and public librarians to meet, network and share ideas in a casual setting. Join your colleagues at MDE in Roseville on Saturday, April 16, 2016 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Get creative ideas, connect with like-minded professionals about issues important to you, and learn about diversity in children’s literature from Cathy Camper, author of the critically acclaimed and fan favorite graphic novel, Lowriders in Space. At the Meetup, you’ll also get a sneak-peek at the sequel, Lowriders to the Center of the Earth, scheduled to hit bookstore and library shelves on July 5, 2016. Space is limited so register today! For more information, please contact Jen Verbrugge (651-582-8356).

Sustainable Building 2030 Training
Are you planning for a new building or for a substantial renovation? The Center for Sustainable Building Research is offering a series of three training sessions on Bridging from Design to Operations: Designing, Owning and Operating a High Performance Building. The sessions will focus on how to design and operate buildings that meet the B3 Sustainable Building 2030 (SB 2030) Energy Standard.

All Minnesota State bonded projects — new and substantially renovated — that started the Schematic Design Phase on or after August 1, 2009, are required to meet the SB 2030 energy standards. Read the guidelines. This requirement applies to Library Construction Grant projects.

The cost is $100 per session or $275 for the entire series of three classes which will take place on the University of Minnesota Twin Cities campus in April, May and June 2016. Find more information and register here to attend. 

Better Together Regional Meetings – Registration Now Open
Join colleagues from adult education, libraries and workforce development for a full-day workshop designed to increase our collective capacity to work together to improve adult literacy and workforce outcomes for Minnesotans. At each session, you’ll hear promising practices for collaboration across organizations and learn about free resources that promote digital literacy and workforce skills. You’ll also have a chance to work with your local partners to develop a collaborative project.

April 29, 2016 – Roseville at Minnesota Department of Education
May 9, 2016 – Mankato at Country Inn and Suites
May 16, 2016 – Grand Rapids at Saw Mill Inn

Register today for the workshop nearest you. For more information or to be included on a mailing list for future announcements, please contact Emily Kissane (651-582-8508).

Apply for a Summer Food Service Program Grant
Public libraries can help make sure kids have access to nutritious food when school is not in session. Limited access to free food programs, particularly during the summer, leaves many children hungry. Fewer than 15 percent of Minnesota kids who benefit from the free or reduced-price school lunch program have access to summer and afterschool food programs. Build your library’s capacity to help keep their bellies full through a summer food service grant from Second Harvest Heartland. Libraries located in Second Harvest Heartland’s service area are eligible to apply, and applications are accepted until May 2, 2016. For more information, please contact Second Harvest Heartland (651-403-6060). For more information about how your library can be a summer food site, please contact Jen Verbrugge (651-582-8356).

90-Second Newbery Film Festival – That’s a Wrap for the 2015-16 Season!
The second annual Minnesota 90-Second Newbery Film Festival screening played to a full house on February 27 at Hennepin County Library – Minneapolis Central’s Pohlad Hall. 90-Second Newbery founder James Kennedy and co-host Minneapolis author Kelly Barnhill, lit up the stage with an uproarious opening number and comedy bits between the films. Each film told the story of a Newbery-winning book in 90 seconds or less (give or take) and was written, directed, acted, filmed and edited by kid filmmakers. Download the list of the many creative films submitted by Minnesota K-12 students.

If you’re inspired by this year’s movies, find out how you can participate next year by visiting the 90-Second Newbery website. Now’s a perfect time to get your students and community partners thinking about filming for next year. It’s a great project to promote media and digital literacy for kids in a creative, collaborative setting. If you started a movie but missed the entry deadline for this year’s festival screening, don’t give up. Finish your masterpiece and send it in. Mr. Kennedy accepts 90-Second Newbery films all year round. For more information, please contact Jen Verbrugge (651-582-8356).

Let Us Know How We’re Doing
Whether you’re a new subscriber to this listserv or have received more than you can count, please share your thoughts with us. We’d love to know if the information we include is helpful to you or if there’s more you’d like to know about. Please email Jen Verbrugge with comments and/or questions. Thank you!