On Saturday, May 18, we took members to our latest member event: Roller Derby!
This match featured the SCAR Dolls against the FORX Roller Derby team. It’s no surprise that the hometown SCAR Dolls were victorious!! They had a very happy, loudly cheering, hometown crowd helping as much as we could to victory!

A quick shot of members at the event! Check out Karen’s zip-up jacket – it’s her roller derby jacket! I definitely benefited from having an experienced derby girl there to explain the nuances of what I was seeing. (There is always strategy in any kind of sport, and knowing what you are seeing makes it much more fun!)
If you wanted to go, and didn’t get a chance, there is one more chance this season! June 15 our hometown team will skate against the Med City Mafia.

Pretty cool to see everyone get rolling at the match!!!
What is coming up next for CMLE Member Events??
So glad you asked!
We have a member camping trip/book discussion in a MN state park (depending on your individual interest!) coming up June 28-30. Check out the details, so far, right here.
We have a bunch of member lunches/workshop discussions in June. Check out our Bootcamp schedule right here!
There is talk of attending a Rox game in July. If this sounds interesting to you, email us at admin @ cmle.org, and we’ll get information out if this develops!
Thanks again to all of our members!!!! You guys are doing such great work in so many different libraries – it’s just fantastic to see the things you do and the library service you create!!!