Tag Archives: CFP

Call: TIES 2018 Preconference Workshops

This is from the ITEM listserve. CMLE members: if you have questions about submitting a proposal, or if you want to bounce around some ideas – contact us! We are big fans of the TIES conference and want to help you to be part of it!

“Dear ITEM Members:

I am writing to you for a number of reasons. First of all, I want to share that the TIES 2018 Conference is alive and well and will be held December 8-11, 2018 at the Minneapolis Hyatt Regency as usual. Second, I know that ITEM members are some of the best experts when it comes to effective use of technology and information resources for learning. Yes, I know flattery will get me everywhere, but I am quite sincere.

We are looking for some preconference workshop proposals for Saturday and Sunday. Typically, these are three hour, hands on workshops where participants will learn how to use a new tool, create engaging activities for their classroom, or learn some new way to transform their teaching with the help of information and technology literacy.

We also are seeking engaging presentations for the regular conference days and have options for creation sessions, standard information sharing sessions, and posters. This is a golden opportunity for you to share your wisdom and expertise with educators from around Minnesota and other states.

Presenters of preconference workshops on the weekend are paid a stipend, and presenters for the regular conference days receive half off the registration fee on the day they present.

Please think about joining us at the biggest education technology conference in the upper Midwest.

The Call for Proposals and other information can be found at http://ties2018.ties.k12.mn.us


Mary Mehsikomer, CETL Technology Integration Development & Outreach Facilitator Minnesota E-Rate Coordinator for Schools TIES 651-999-6510 Mary.mehsikomer@ties.k12.mn.us @MaryTMM”

Teach for ASCLA – Seeking Subject Matter Experts


Melissa Tracy
Marketing & Programs Specialist
Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA)

CHICAGO – ASCLA invites experienced librarians and subject matter experts to submit proposals for webinars and online courses to be added to ASCLA’s outstanding online learning offerings. ASCLA has identified four key areas of training that reflect the unique experiences and skills of our diverse membership, and which also serve training needs among ASCLA membership and the larger library community. ASCLA welcomes all proposals, and encourages proposals related to the following key areas:

  • Consortia Management – designing/delivering CE, ILL models, leadership and facilitation, cooperative purchasing, successful/model collaborations, etc.
  • Accessibility – basics of access, as well as specific tools and strategies to increase access to library services.
  • Veterans – federal and local resources in context of diverse library types (public, academic, prison, health, etc.)
  • Health – identifying resources, working with patrons in crisis, compassion fatigue, etc. especially in the areas of:
    • Mental health
    • Substance abuse
    • Degenerative Neurological Diseases
    • Aging in Place

Proposals will be accepted through March 30, 2018. Webinars and online courses approved for presentation will be offered between May 1, 2018 and August 31, 2019. Webinar presenters and online learning instructors are compensated for their work and will receive training and support for Adobe Connect, the webinar technology platform used by the division, and Moodle, the online tool used for courses.

Please note, there are separate forms for course and webinar proposals:

Online course submission form

Online webinar submission form

Questions about submissions or about ASCLA’s online learning programs should be sent to Jessica Hughes, ASCLA Executive Director, at jhughes@ala.org.


The Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA) is a division of the American Library Association. ASCLA focuses on providing a voice and advocating for libraries serving populations that are underserved such as those with sensory, physical, health or behavioral conditions, those who are incarcerated or detained and more. ASCLA is the premier destination for members to find information and build capacity to serve populations that are served by state library agencies, specialized libraries, library cooperatives, library networks and library consultants among others. Member activity is centered around our interest groups.

ASCLA enhances the effectiveness of library service by providing high quality networking, enrichment and educational opportunities for its diverse members. Opportunities include leadership roles, online webinars and eCourses, specialty interest group involvement and even produce resources and industry standards and guidelines including the most recent revision of the 2011 Standards and Guidelines of Service for the Library of Congress Network of Libraries for the Blind and Physically Handicapped as well as Prisoners’ Right to Read and more. Learn more about ASCLA.

Carroll Preston Baber Research Grant Accepting Proposals for 2018 Award

CMLE members: if you have an idea for research, talk with me! I can help you put this together and get it submitted! If you are not an ALA member, no worries! I am a member, and I can get it submitted for you. We want you to have resources to solve problems or uncover cool things in your library!!

From American Library Association:

Do you have a project that is just waiting for the right funding?  Are you thinking about ways that libraries can improve services to users?

The American Library Association (ALA) gives an annual grant for those conducting research that will lead to the improvement of services to users.  The Carroll Preston Baber Research Grant is given to one or more librarians or library educators who will conduct innovative research that could lead to an improvement in services to any specified group of people.

The grant, up to $3,000, will be given to a proposed project that aims to answer a question of vital importance to the library community that is national in scope. Among the review panel criteria are:

  • The research problem is clearly defined, with a specific question or questions that can be answered by collecting data. The applicant(s) clearly describe a strategy for data collection whose methods are appropriate to the research question(s). A review of the literature, methodologies, etc. is not considered research (e.g., methodology review rather than application of a methodology) for purposes of the award, except where the literature review is the primary method of collecting data.
  • The research question focuses on benefits to library users and should be applied and have practical value as opposed to theoretical.
  • The applicant(s) demonstrate ability to undertake and successfully complete the project. The application provides evidence that sufficient time and resources have been allocated to the effort. Appropriate institutional commitment to the project has been secured.

Any ALA member may apply, and the Jury would welcome projects that involve both a practicing librarian and a researcher.

Deadline Extended to February 19, 2018.

Procedures and an application form are available at:
http://www.ala.org/offices/ors/orsawards/baberresearchgrant/babercarroll. See the section on How to Apply

Also see related documents linked near the bottom of the page for:

The full press release is available at: http://www.ala.org/news/member-news/2017/11/carroll-preston-baber-research-grant-now-accepting-proposals-2018-award.

Questions?   Contact Billie Peterson-Lugo, Baylor University, at billie_peterson@baylor.edu.

CALL: LMCC17 – Registration Is Open PLUS CFP

Library Marketing and Communications Conference

Join Us at LMCC17!
Registration & Call for Proposals Are Now Open

 The Library Marketing and Communications Conference is the only event designed exclusively for people who do library marketing and communications (MarCom) work. We are pleased to open Registration and the Call for Proposals for our 3rd annual event.

It’s time to register for #LMCC17, which will be November 16-17 at the Hotel InterContinental Dallas (in Addison, TX). Join us to attend a variety of sessions and network with your library MarCom peers.

 Our conference has sold out in the past, and while we’ve moved to a bigger hotel to accommodate more library professionals, you’ll want to ensure your spot NOW!


Continue reading CALL: LMCC17 – Registration Is Open PLUS CFP

Call for Chapter Proposals: Social Media: An Academic Library Perspective


“Call for Chapter Proposals

Social Media: An Academic Library Perspective (working title)

Editor – Nina Verishagen; Publisher – Elsevier

Proposal submission deadline: June 1, 2017

Please submit proposals by filling out this form: https://goo.gl/forms/k7y1TqEz94uZHDji2

Are you a library professional immersed in social media management? Have you experienced great successes and/or failures with a social media campaign? If you have, please consider submitting a chapter proposal!

Social Media: An Academic Library Perspective will be a practical, concise anthology dedicated to guiding academic libraries in their use of social media. Various authors from different academic institutions will provide their perspectives, experiences and tips on using social media platforms. The book will highlight successes and failures and will provide recommendations and tips that anyone in the academic environment can interpret and adapt. Each chapter will focus on a specific social media platform.

Editor is particularly interested in chapters covering:

–          Twitter
–          Instagram
–          Snapchat
–          YouTube

Editor is looking for chapters that cover the use of a specific social media platform by an Academic Library. Each chapter should include:

A description of the social media platform and academic library being presented;
Suggested tools (working groups, online software, spreadsheets, etc.) to use the platform effective
A case study covering the library’s use of the platform – for example a promotion campaign, or ongoing programming on the platform;
A list of successes and failures;
Recommendations for other academic libraries.
Full chapters:

Are tentatively due November 1, 2017;
Will be written from a practical perspective, in first person-narrative;
Will adhere to APA format;
Will be approximately 4,000-4,500 words in length
Authors interested in submitting chapters should fill out this form: https://goo.gl/forms/k7y1TqEz94uZHDji2

Please send questions to: nina.verishagen@outlook.com