Some public libraries check out art, playground equipment, even hot spots, but have you ever heard about a necktie collection?
This article describes the new initiative of the Paschalville Branch Library, where their “tiebrary” features a display of ties available to borrow three weeks at a time, for no cost.
Libraries are increasingly being used for more than just checking out books. They are spaces where community members can use resources, especially when they are trying to find a job. People come to use the computers to fill out job applications or work on resumes. Now they can return to the Paschalville Library to help get outfitted for their job interviews!
Image credit: (Ryan McGuire), licensed under CC0 1.0
Information Today’s Computers in Libraries conference took place in Washington DC two weeks ago and featured top-notch presentations by librarians on the cutting-edge of technology. Didn’t get an opportunity to attend? We are happy to provide access to the following 10 presentations.
Rock Your Libraries Content with WordPress
Re-Imagining the Library Website Experience
Tools and Idea Blitz: Steal for your Website
Makerspace Info Blitz!
Delivering Library Services with (And For) Google Glass
Dealing with Data: From Research to Visualization
Robots in the Library: Automated Storage & Retrieval Systems
Tools & Tips Info Blitz!
Students, iPads, and Research: A Perfect Combination
Appily Ever After: Apps and Embedding Tools in 21st Century Libraries
Get the content of these great presentations and see for yourself what you missed!
Image by UrbaneWomanMag. Retrieved from Flickr. Used under Creative Commons’ licensing.
Computers in Libraries Conference and
Internet @ Schools Conference Track
Important: PLEASE CONTACT TIM JOHNSON (contact information below)with your questions about this discounted registration opportunity
Information Today will offer the Computers in Libraries 2014 Conference and Exhibition being held at the Washington Hilton, Washington D.C. from April 7-9, 2014. MINITEX will be coordinating a discounted group registration. The special rate for the Computers in Libraries conference is $299.00 for the three-day event (April 7-9, 2014). In addition, discounted prices of $109.00 for the Internet@Schools Track are also available. No discount rates are available for the pre-and post-conference seminars and workshops.
Available this year is online registration which will make registration quicker and will extend the registration deadline until March 7, 2014. For registration use Promo Code MIN14. Go to:
For mail in registration: please request a registration form from MINITEX. We need to receive your payment, checks payable to Information Today, Inc., and registration form no later than February 25, 2014. No registrations will be accepted after February 25, 2014. Please indicate if you would prefer to have the registration fee deducted from your MINITEX deposit account.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me.