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March 23
ELM Expo
Hands-on & Up-Close with the ELM Databases
This ELM Expo will focus on the Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM).
ELM is an outstanding suite of databases available to all Minnesota residents. Join us to learn more about Learning Express, EBooks MN, Britannica, special features & more!
Learn from the experts how to search, save, & share your results. Take home tips on how to teach databases to users.
Please bring your own laptop or tablet to personalize your learning.
All levels of experience welcome! Novice or advanced searcher, there will something for you.
Who Should Attend
Public, academic, school, & special librarians. Teachers (K-12) and anyone who uses ELM or wants to use ELM in the classroom or library. School librarians (K-12) are urged to come as a team with History Day Teachers, Guidance Counselors, English Teachers or other interested teachers. CEUs available.
March 23, 2019
8:30am to 3:00pm
Includes morning snack, lunch, & handouts.
(Check with your multitype library system for library staff scholarships.)
Lakeville North High School
19600 Ipava Avenue, Lakeville, MN 55044
(park in the upper lot, off Ipava Ave. and enter through door 1, follow the signs to the media center.)
Registration ends on Wednesday, March 20.
Register NOW to guarantee your spot!
Click below to read a description of sessions we are offering.
Session Info
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Lakeville North High School