Tag Archives: James Patterson

James Patterson is donating money to schools for books!

James Patterson

From the Miami Herald (Click to read the entire story!)

James Patterson is giving away more money to get kids reading. And your school library could get some.

In the third installment of his School Library Campaign in partnership with Scholastic Reading Club, Patterson — author of books for middle grades and adults — is donating $1.75 million to school libraries around the country.

This time around, the plan focuses on teachers. Patterson will award $500 grants to 3,500 teachers in grades pre-K through 12 in U.S. schools to improve their classroom libraries. The funds can be used to buy new books, expand programming or even build more bookshelves, if that’s what’s needed.

“Many kids rely solely on their classroom bookshelves for reading material, particularly in schools without a library,” Patterson said in a statement. “I’m excited to expand the reach of the program, and make a positive impact on teachers who are working with students all day, every day, in every school in the country.”

Here is the application. Pass this on to your teachers; and we can help with any part of it!

Three Grant Opportunities

Are you looking for a way to boost the capacity of your library or school media center? That increase in capacity can revolve around books, technology, repairs, or reading programs to mention just a few. As with most grants, the strength of your application lies in paying attention to the details of each grant, and following instructions! Take a look at the three possibilities here. CMLE staff are happy to read your application from the draft stage to the completion stage and provide you with feedback. At times, when there is clear mutual benefit, CMLE has partnered on grants too! Please remember the other ongoing grant opportunities on our grants page too!

Author James Patterson pledges $1.25 million to school libraries!

In 300 words or less, can you name what your school library would do with $1,000 – $10,000? The money can be used for books, reading programs, technology, or repairs. This is one of the easiest opportunities I have seen yet to get some dollars for your school library!

“This is not a difficult approval process,” Patterson says. Librarians, teachers, administrators or anyone else can nominate a school library anywhere in the United States that serves students from pre-K through 12th grade. “Applicants just have to state what they would do with the money in 200-300 words. What could be easier? I try not to be arrogant in the sense that I know what’s good for everybody else: I simply ask the question: ‘How can I help?’” (Applications are due May 31, 2015.)  Scholastic Reading Club has pledged to match each grant with bonus points that can be used for books and classroom materials. Read all about why and how Patterson is making this offer, including his feelings about a trained librarian and a well-stocked school library! The application process could not get easier, so check it out here!


Minnesota’s Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Grants

State Library Services is pleased to announce the 2015 Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) competitive grant opportunity. An estimated $650,000 is available to fund grant projects that help to achieve Minnesota’s LSTA Five-Year Plan (2013-2017).

The LSTA Five-Year Plan’s overarching goals are to expand services for learning and access to information and education resources, and to establish and provide a strong infrastructure that promotes equity of access to high-quality library services for all Minnesotans. State Library Services has identified Subgoal 1.2 as a Preferred Subgoal for this grant opportunity. At least $325,000 will be awarded to projects that provide educational opportunities for children and youth. The application and instructions are available at the Minnesota Department of Education’s Grants Management Site.  Awards of up to $100,000; Deadline is May 1, 2015.

For more information, please contact Jackie Blagsvedt at jacqueline.blagsvedt@state.mn.us or 651-582-8791.


 Apply For A ProLiteracy National Book Fund Grant

For twenty years, the ProLiteracy National Book Fund (NBF) has been providing free textbooks and other complimentary educational resources to worthy organizations devoted to adult literacy and continuing education programs. Such materials are, as any librarian or teacher will tell you, expensive, and these NBF stipends have been a godsend to many nonprofits and libraries over the years.

If, like many public libraries, yours devotes considerable time, attention and money to adult education, consider applying for the 2015 awards cycle. ProLiteracy projects, based on previous years, that 65% of qualified applicants will receive aid.

Strongest applicants will have a demonstrated interest in one or more of the following subject areas: basic literacy, English language learning (ESL), and GED preparation. Funds will only be given towards initiatives directly linked to literary instruction. Other important terms and conditions apply.

Grants typically range from $500-$2000, depending on the needs of the applicant organization. All applications must be postmarked by April 15, 2015. Click here to read a detailed FAQ, and to put your name forward.