This is a guest post from Mike Barton, Media and Digital Learning Specialist at Cokato Elementary Media Center. Read more mini grant reports on our page.
From our EL Teacher, Shannon Otto: I am very appreciative to have been granted money towards the subscription of RAZ-Plus with the ELL edition. I’m utilizing these resources with my caseload of English Language learners.
I’ve printed off ABC books as the students are learning the American alphabet. These books help students develop vocabulary while also practicing the sounds of each letter.
I’ve also used the high-frequency books to help build reading skills. The ELL comic conversations are a great structure for students to see dialogue modeled. In groups, students read the speech bubbled dialogue and then role-play to practice their oral language.
As of now, I’ve only used this resource with my newcomer groups. However, I know that I’ve only scratched the surface with the resources found in this subscription.
My next steps are to explore the library of leveled books to use with my other groups. There are also vocabulary sets that break down harder concepts into visual supports and key vocabulary.
I’m excited to explore this subscription further and to continue implementing this tool within all of my EL groups. Once again, I thank you for the monetary support that provides all these wonderful tools and resources for my students.