Tag Archives: supervisor

Interested in supervisory training? Share your ideas!


CMLE libraries: We are passing on this survey you could fill out for the ALA. This committee is looking for your ideas on the kinds of activities they could set up to help everyone develop their supervisory skills.

This is an important topic, and we can all use more training in this to make our libraries, and our profession, even stronger! Continue reading Interested in supervisory training? Share your ideas!

Have you reflected on yourself as leader?

think hardHopefully, I have not already lost you with the “L” word, which might excite you or scare you!

You may not be a principal or a director or a superintendent (traditional leaders), but you are a leader for the public, students and/or colleagues.  Leadership has everything to do with how and why you do what you do. It has very little to do with formal titles and degrees.

As K-12 education is changing at warp speed, Elena Aguilar of Edutopia suggests, “…that in order to transform our schools, we’ll need many, many more leaders. We’ll need the leaders who don’t yet think they are leaders and those of us who are apprehensive about embracing the roles and responsibilities of leadership.” I couldn’t agree more.

Are you intrigued, willing to listen, but not sure what to do? Do you struggle even giving good work direction and following through with corrective action if needed? I have a suggestion…come to our Supervisor Nuts & Bolts Workshop. It is a two-part series (the second builds on the first) hosted by CMLE at no charge to you (April 14th and May 12th). If you lead, supervise, or give work direction to others, come to get tips from a professional in the field, CMLE’s treat!

Get all of the workshop details and the registration link here.

Read Elena’s Edutopia post here.

Image credit: http://tinyurl.com/o4dqj4s, licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0



Register now for Supervisor Nuts & Bolts Workshop

photo-1422854068916-cf163783f7caDo you lead, supervise or give work direction to others? Could you use a few tips?

CMLE invites you to attend two “after school” sessions from 4 – 6 pm; the first one being Thursday, April 14th, the second being May 12). It is important that you plan on attending both days as the second event builds on the first.

Consultant Chris Kudrna will guide us through strategies, tips and tricks you can use tomorrow to better supervise, lead, and/or give work direction. Enjoy time for sharing and/or Q & A with Chris, and get the coaching you need to be a positive force in your workplace.

Event Details

Who: Academic, K-12, public, and special library staff from Central Minnesota
Cost: Free to you. CMLE will underwrite the consultant costs and refreshments.
Where: In CMLE’s new space in the Central MN Educational Research & Development Council (cmERDC). Located right next to Target East. 570 1st St. SE., St. Cloud, MN 56304

Register Now

Image credit: https://unsplash.com/photos/0Sy4gfZ2RXU (Ross Tinney), licensed under CC0 1.0

Supervisor Nuts and Bolts Workshop

I have a plan. (187/365)Do you supervise and give work direction with no authority? Do you feel like you are killing yourself to meet all aspects of your job, when it is never enough? Are your best intentions being undermined, misunderstood or met with hostility? Let us help…

CMLE would like to gauge your interest in attending two “after school” sessions (4-6 pm) in St. Cloud that will build your skill sets in positively influencing others and in creating space to do really good work. Come to hear how to get others (often paras) to do what you want them to do, while also wrapping your supervisor around your little finger! Come prepared to share with a professional expert/facilitator what is hard, what is not working, and get tips you can use tomorrow to make you better at what you do!

CMLE is willing to underwrite the costs of this event, but needs to gauge interest before we hire an expert to teach/facilitate these sessions. We need a minimum of 10 people and have room for 25. If you are from the Central MN region and think  this free workshop is for you, please weigh in below and indicate ALL dates that you could attend the first session.

Problems with the poll? Send email to admin@cmle.org for assistance.

The poll closes on February 22, 2016.

Image credit: http://tinyurl.com/qc788l4, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0