Tag Archives: Survey

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Wants Your Opinion!

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Global Libraries Initiative is seeking input from library professionals on how public libraries can continue to serve (and better serve) their communities, as devices are becoming increasingly popular and information is literally in the hands of many. It is an anonymous survey that should take about five minutes to complete. Those interested in taking the survey can access it at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/W3DBZ96

1:1 Snapshot Survey – Please Respond

The ISTE SIGIS group have put together a 1:1 survey that will be of great benefit to all of us as educators and advocates for 1:1 programs. Would you please either respond to this survey or send this along to the best person at your institution?

This 1:1 Snapshot Survey aims to inform educators about 1:1 initiatives and programs across the country.

The survey can be found at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/1to1TodayFall2012 and must be filled out by October 31, 2012.

CMLE will follow-up on this survey by providing a link to the results/summary in November.

Young Adults and Library Usage – New PEW Study

According to a recent PEW study, a majority (60 percent) of young Americans ages 16 through 29 frequent and utilize libraries. Most use libraries for conducting research, borrowing print, audiobooks, and ebooks, and for reading magazines and newspapers. According to the survey, high schoolers in their late teens (ages 16-17) and college-aged young adults (ages 18-24) are most likely to have read a book or used the library in the past 12 months. This is important news for libraries of all types, as it indicates a youth that is receptive to and familiar with utilizing their library.

Interested in finding out more? Be sure to visit the article for more details!

So, what do you see in your libraries? Are your youth receptive to the resources available at their media center or public library? How are they most commonly gaining access to non-fiction and fiction titles? Is there still a love for print resources?