Google Hangouts for Professional Development?

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Some rights reserved by AJC1

Have you been involved in using a Google Hangout yet?

Basically, a Hangout is a video chat session and has appeal for families and professionals alike. The ones I have attended have been fairly painless and powerful from my end, but I have not been the host of the event. You may have noticed that even the American Library Association (ALA) is using  Hangouts for some of their national, forward thinking topics, and these events  have been well attended. Here in CMLE we are considering whether our members may benefit from some regional networking using this tool too.

The link here will take you to an article Edutopia did recently on using Hangouts for teacher development. According to the article, Google Hangouts is a perfect tool to increase the level of communication and professional development in every school. Individuals often feel more connected as a result of participating in a Hangout. Share your thoughts in comments either about your experience using Hangouts, or your interest in trying it out with CMLE staff.