A Calendar of Events (Online & F2F)

Whether you want online learning opportunities or face-to-face learning events, there are many exciting professional development possibilities for library staff. Short of funds to attend an upcoming  conference? Library staff in Central Minnesota can apply for a CMLE scholarship to assist with costs. Get more detail at www.cmle.org by clicking on scholarships.

Registration opens on January 15th for this free, online, self-paced program!


Other January & February Free Online Learning (WebJunction)

Check out WebJunction’s Training page for information about these sessions, which are free and available to staff of libraries throughout the Minitex region. Pre-registration is required.

Archived versions of earlier WebJunction webinars are also available on the webpage.

The WebJunction website also contains a monthly list of other freely available training opportunities that are available to the library community.

Also, remember, WebJunction Minnesota, which provides access to online, self-paced courses and other features, is available to all members of the Minnesota library community. See the WebJunction Minnesota website for more information

Save These Dates in March through July (Face 2 Face)

March 19–20, 2014

The 7th Annual Library Technology Conference will be held March 19–20 at Macalester College in St. Paul. The 2014 conference will feature keynotes from Mita Williams, blogger and user experience librarian at the University of Windsor, and Barbara Fister of Gustavus Adolphus College, a Library Journal columnist and blogger on library trends in content creation and more.

May 6, 2014

The 23rd Annual Minitex Interlibrary Loan Conference will take place on Tuesday, May 6, at the Continuing Education & Conference Center on the Saint Paul Campus of the University of Minnesota. Phil Simon, technology expert, frequent speaker, and award-winning author of six management books will be keynote speaker. More information and registration materials will be available in early March.

June 3, 2014

The 12th Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Digital Library (MDL) will be held Tuesday, June 3, at the Continuing Education & Conference Center, University of Minnesota, St. Paul. The keynote speaker will be Dan Cohen, founding Executive Director of the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA). MDL is a service hub for to the DPLA. More information will be posted in early spring on the annual meeting webpage.

July 30–31, 2014

2014 eLearning Summit will be held July 30–31 at the University of Northwestern – St. Paul. The keynotes will be Cable Green, Director of Global Learning for Creative Commons, and Robbie Kendall Melton, Associate Vice Chancellor of eLearning and Emerging Mobilization Technology for the Tennessee Board of Regents.

Videos of the 2013 eLearning Summit keynotes are now available.