CMLE Resources: Linking Our Libraries Podcast

As we all prepare for a new semester to get started, and are wrapping up our Summer Fun Library Tour series, it’s good to get back in touch with library resources. And at CMLE, we are filled with all kinds of great things for you!

Each week, we will draw your attention to one of the many resources available to you from CMLE Headquarters. Our mission is to help build connections between members, across all types of libraries. We exist to share information across libraries (and archives, and museums, and history centers) – and we are always looking for more ways to make that happen! Check out our Subscribe To Us! page, for information on subscribing to all our stuff.

We will keep changing and providing new types of information and new formats, to meet the needs of our members. If you have a topic you want to learn more about – tell us! If you have a format you like to use to get information – let us know! Our entire purpose is to connect our 300+ members to each other, and to provide all kinds of professional information to make your jobs better.

One of our strategies for sharing information is to podcast it! Linking Our Libraries is our podcast, created at CMLE HQ. Each Thursday we talk about a different topic that may be helpful to our members – and to anyone across the Library and Information Science profession. (We like you all!) We talk for about 20 minutes, sharing professional information, maybe talking about some libraries, maybe chatting with a Guest Host.

We also have a short segment where we share books we are reading. We have heard from many of you that this is a favorite part; so stay tuned for an upcoming book-themed podcast! (Oh – maybe there should have been a spoiler alert tag before that? Well: Spoiler! New podcast is coming up this fall!)

The whole thing is deliberately cheerful in tone ( we laugh a lot!); and we keep each topic at a pretty introductory level. Libraries are fun places! So if you know nothing about the topic of the week – this is for you! If you need a refresher – this is for you! If you like to hear about the neat things happening across the profession – this is for you! Do you just want to support libraries? Again: this is for you!

Each episode also has a podcast page with our notes from the episode, links to everything we discussed, and often links to other material on our topic. If a topic is useful to you, we want to be sure you have access to the information in any format that works for you!

The all-important part of podcasting:
How do you actually listen to it??

Want to listen to an episode? We make it easy for you!

  • You can download an app, subscribe to “Linking Our Libraries” and all episodes will appear on your phone/tablet – it’s so easy!
    • Apps we like include Pocket Casts, iTunes, and Stitcher. 
    • Download any of these, search for “Linking Our Libraries” and hit Subscribe.
    • If it is not readily available, just enter this RSS feed:
  • Or, you can stream an episode right now on your computer by going to our streaming page, by clicking here.

Whatever tool you use, we hope you enjoy it! Thanks for listening, and sharing ideas on libraries!

Do you want to talk with us about a topic? Could you use a helping hand in your library? We want to help! Tell us about it here, and let’s get started.