This article from Education Week Teacher delves into several ways school librarians can collaborate with teachers to enhance student learning. It also tackles the question of classroom libraries replacing school libraries, and the problems this can create.
The article also links to this research article explaining how having a school librarian leads to higher-achieving students and a better school community. It’s impressive research and really reinforces just how much school librarians have a positive impact on their schools.
From the article “Why School Librarians Are the Literacy Leaders We Need”:
“Making Connections: Our school librarian helped students connect to reading and digital literacies in a variety of ways. She found out what students were learning about in history and science class and found interesting reading materials to connect to those topics. She helped us bring local authors to visit to talk to students about their work. She helped students and teachers access periodicals and other helpful programs online.
There is a cumulative benefit to students and teachers, both academic and cultural, when a school librarian becomes a literacy leader.”
Read the rest of the article here!