All posts by admincmle

The Central Minnesota Libraries Exchange (CMLE) is one of seven regional multitype library systems established to meet the needs of and share the resources of all types of libraries. We love libraries, and are here to support them!

RIP Joan Rivers, Honorary Librarian

RIPFirst the passing of Robin Williams, then Joan Rivers, two comedians whom I loved. I know plenty of people who did not love Joan Rivers because of her catty, usually sarcastic humor. I say she came into comedy at a time when it wasn’t easy for women, and she had to create her “brand” to rise to fame. She was bold enough to say what others only wished they could! And she seemed to always be doing her comedy on the fly, almost ad libbing at a glance. Well folks, she was far from casual or “shoot from the hip” with her jokes. In fact, her treasured gray card catalog contained 30 years of jokes, arranged quite precisely by subject!  Stand-up librarian Meredith Myers wrote a great piece about Joan and she says, “She approached comedy like a librarian. She was prepared, organized, and willing to say yes to every opportunity that came her way.”

I was even more teary-eyed  to hear this….her memory and my admiration for her only deepened when I realized that underneath the bravado, she was one of us. RIP Joan Rivers!

Read Meredith Myers full tribute at  Joan Rivers, honorary librarian

Image credit:, licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0





Why Go to a Library Conference?

Apple BasketThe Information and Technology Educators of MN (ITEM, previously MEMO) conference is thundering down the calendar toward us beginning the first week in October. Then, during the second week in October, the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Conference crops up! Are you registered?

Ideally, you are able to attend  a library conference of some form at least once a year. If you have a job that counts on you staying up-to-date, a conference is a great way to sharpen your skill set. I understand that professional development dollars are tight, but think beyond the dollars for a moment. Faced with incredibly big jobs, high work expectations beyond what we thought possible, and a world of fast-paced change, why go to a MN library conference?

Here are  my Top 10 Reasons to Register for the ITEM or MLA Fall Conferences Now….

  1. You have an excuse to buy a cool outfit, a new pair of shoes, or gasp…a new bag (even though you have hundreds)
  2. Informal conversations: Whether it be at a lunch table, in the commons area between sessions, or over cocktails at happy hour, a conference is an excellent place to figure out what your peers are worried about, working on, and thinking about. Be brave, strike up a conversation! You can save yourself a ton of time and work by talking to others who will share.
  3. Bags: While in the exhibit area, you have the opportunity to collect yet more bags for your collection of hundreds; some that include cat portraits!
  4. Free books: many companies are handing out free advanced copies of books!
  5. Do you hate talking on the phone with sales people, but need some new products, pricing, or information? Bribe a colleague to go with you (for the free candy) to the exhibit areas, and plan ahead of time how you will exit any sales talk that has gone far enough. Tag teams rule!
  6. Authors: Library conferences always include author talks, and we do love anything an author has to say!
  7. Eyeglasses: Have I mentioned that librarians also love to show off their hip eyewear, and why is it that most of us are almost blind?
  8. Keynotes: Conference planners think long and hard to bring in big names and popular folk that have appeal, and it is rare to be thoroughly disappointed, very rare!
  9. Breakout sessions: There are usually so many to pick from, that you often have a hard time. Me, I intentionally look for the rooms bursting at the seams with people. I want to know what everyone is so geeked up about! If it is something I know very little about, I really should be there! Am hoping for a session on Cosplay.
  10. The evening social event: You will have a blast and get to know the playful side of people. In the past,  the multitype library systems (CMLE is one of them) offered a trivia event, this year at both conferences we are hosting a gaming  night, literary games no less,  with prizes and bragging rights too! Did I mention free food? Can it get better? Geeks rule….

What have I missed? Add it in the comments! Ready to register now?

Go to our handy events table, and click on the appropriate event link to register! Easy…

No Money? A  CMLE scholarship  of up to $200 is yours to use for registration, hotel, mileage, meals, or to subsidize the cost of your employer hiring a substitute worker so you can be away. If you approach your boss to say you have found a way to contribute  $200, they will know you are invested and have taken initiative. The application process is easy, CMLE would love to exhaust its scholarship budget this year on these two conferences alone, so go for it!

Image credit:, licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

Libraries Help Authors Self Publish

Book lovers never go to bed aloneLast week, I blogged about Library as Idea Incubator? and our blog stats showed quite a bit of interest in that idea. Recently, at the Explore eBooks MN Summit event, there was also a fair amount of conversation and interest in the idea of libraries as a catalyst in the self-publishing world. Libraries could become a place where authors could find helpful tools and information about self-publishing along with helpful encouragement as they make their way through the process. After their books become published, the library could  becoming a hub for authors to talk about their published books and maybe offer their assistance to others trying to do the same.

Kentucky public libraries are jumping on this idea. According to Henderson library Director Essy Day “We provide the resources to help them do it themselves. It’s like a one-stop website that gives you tools and resources, and we also have a calendar where they can book a date at a library to come and promote their work.” In theory, authors could sell more books, and aspiring authors have a place to receive help when they need it, both from library staff but published authors too!  To read more about the theoretical underpinnings and about specific resources tied to this idea, go to Libraries Helping Authors with E-Publishing.

What do you think, can you envision your library as a writers hub? Personally, I love this idea!

Image credit:, licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

Your Guide to Learning Express

Have you heard the news about your free access to Learning Express, which is now part of the Electronic Library of Minnesota (ELM)? We did an earlier post about the other resources that remain in ELM, but this addition is exciting news. Take a moment, take stock of everything at your disposal in working with your end-users. 

A meeting of nibsWhat is included in Learning Express? In a nutshell….

  1. LearningExpress Library
    Interactive collection of tests, tutorials, and eBooks categorized in Learning Centers including School Center, College Preparation Center, College Center, High School Equivalency Center, Adult Learning Center, Career Center, and Recursos para Hispanohablantes (Spanish Center).
  2. LearningExpress Job & Career Accelerator
    Test preparation and skill building tools related to career and job readiness available through the LearningExpress Library.
  3. LearningExpress Computer Skills Center
    Interactive multimedia training tutorials to develop computer and internet skills available through the LearningExpress Library.

See a More Detailed Description of What is Included in These Three Resources

Do You Need Information About How to Get Set Up?

Need Usage Stats on LearningExpress? In order to obtain usage statistics for your institution on these resources, follow these three easy steps:

  1. Locate your library’s access code in this spreadsheet.
  2. Register with your access code. (Up to 10 people at your institution can register with a single access code.)
  3. Log in to the LearningExpress Usage Reports site.

Need a Little Training? Below is a list of new Minitex webinars that highlight LearningExpress Library and Job & Career Accelerator! (Click on each link for  specific class dates, times, and descriptions)

LearningExpress for Public Libraries

LearningExpress Library

LearningExpress Job & Career Accelerator

LearningExpress for Academic Libraries

LearningExpress Library K12 Resources

ELM for Public Libraries

Britannica School Educator Resources

ELM K-5 Resources and the New Kids InfoBits

An Electronic Library for Adult Basic Education

ELM Advanced

History Day Resources in ELM

Google, Library Resources, & Your Students


Still Need More? New this year…… Office Hours for ELM Assistance

Wednesdays @ 11:00am – 12:00pm through 12/17

  • Ask ELM questions!
  • Ask for a quick ELM resource demo!
  • Ask about ELM content!
  • Ask about ELM usage statistics!
  • Ask about setting up ELM!
  • Ask about searching ELM!

Just show up at my (Jennifer Hootman’s) online office and ask anything about ELM!

All of us in Minitex Reference Outreach & Instruction can be reached for ELM questions and conversation anytime (  or 612-624-4150).

Jennifer says…..”This Fall I’m piloting additional weekly office hours when you can meet with me online through our Adobe web conferencing software. It’s easy!  Just register, and I’ll send you the link to my online office.  If my office hours don’t work for you, just let me know when you can meet”

Jennifer Hootman, Librarian
Reference Outreach & Instruction

Image credit:, licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0


Changes with ELM Resources

PrintMinitex staff have been busy this summer! This information may appear dated, but we know that many of our K-12 and academic librarians “power down” in the summer. Soon, we will be through the process of getting everyone geared back up with important information that is needed to provide access to our valuable free  Electronic Library of Minnesota (ELM) resources. When you are finished reviewing this post, you will want to also review a related post about a new ELM resource, Learning Express!
June 20, 2014

Minitex Announces New Suite of eResources

On behalf of the Minnesota Department of Education – State Library Services, the Minnesota Office of Higher Education, Online Dakota Information Network (ODIN), the North Dakota State Library, South Dakota Library Network (SDLN), the South Dakota State Library, and itself, Minitex is pleased to announce the databases and database packages recommended by the Minitex Electronic Information Resources (MEIR) Task Force. This was a result of the Request for Proposal (RFP) that was developed and issued during 2013-2014. These collaborative partners realize the importance of statewide access to a common suite of databases to the libraries and school media centers within and among the three states.

In coordination with Elaine Kelash, Manager/Contracts Specialist, University of Minnesota Purchasing, Minitex will finalize award and license agreements with the following vendors for access to the following statewide electronic resources. These resources will be available beginning July 1, 2014–June 30, 2019. Current access will continue uninterrupted.

  • EBSCO databases (Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota)
    • Academic Search Premier
    • Alt HealthWatch
    • Business Source Premier
    • Consumer Health Complete
    • ERIC
    • Health Source: Consumer Edition
    • Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
    • MAS Ultra – School Edition
    • MasterFILE Premier
    • MegaFILE
    • Middle Search Plus
    • Points of View Reference Center
    • Primary Search
    • Professional Development Collection
    • Regional Business News
    • Searchasaurus
    • Science Reference Center
    • Student Research Center
  • Gale Group for K-12 electronic resources (Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota)
    • Discovering Collection
    • Expanded Academic ASAP
    • Educator’s Reference Complete
    • General Science Collection
    • InfoTrac Student Edition
    • InfoTrac Junior Edition
    • Junior Reference Collection
    • Kids InfoBits
    • Student Resources in Context, formerly Student Resource Center Gold
  • OCLC for the FirstSearch Base Package, which will transition to WorldCat Discovery Services (Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota)
    • OCLC WorldCat
    • CAMIO
    • OAISter
    • OCLC ArticleFirst
    • OCLC Electronic Collections Online A&I
    • OCLC PapersFirst
    • OCLC ProceedingsFirst
    • ArchivGrid
    • Clase/Periodica
    • ERIC
    • GPO Monthly Catalog
    • World Almanac/Book of Facts
    • OCLC Electronic Books
    • OCLC WorldCat Dissertations and Theses
  • ProQuest Newsstand Complete, the current package (Minnesota and North Dakota only)
  • Encyclopaedia Britannica’s General Reference Package (Minnesota and North Dakota only)
    • Britannica School
    • Britannica Library
    • Britannica Academic Edition
  • Gale’s Spanish-language database ¡Informe! (Minnesota only)

Two Gannett papers, the St. Cloud Times and the Sioux Falls Argus Leader, from ProQuest were not renewed. This was a Minnesota-only subscription.

Additional information will follow over the coming weeks as we work with LearningExpress to set up access. Access to LearningExpress products for current subscribers will continue without interruption. We understand the work and time any changes may take to implement in your libraries and schools and will provide needed information as quickly as possible.

The Minitex CPERS staff, Rita Baladad, Tim Peters, and Anne Hatinen, and the vendors’ sales teams will work closely with you as some of you transition between vendor products (for example, the two Gannett papers). Similarly, the Minitex Reference Outreach & Instruction staff, Jennifer Hootman, Matt Lee, Carla Steinberg Pfahl, and Beth Staats, and vendors’ staff will work to provide instruction and training for you and your colleagues on the resources we have awarded.

If you have any questions, please contact Mary Parker, Minitex,, 800-462-5348, or 612-624-1024.