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Save The Dates!

Calendar. deancollege
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If you are thinking ahead about potential conferences and/or events this summer-you may consider adding these to your calendar!

1) MN Digital Library 11th Annual Meeting on June 4th at the U of M, St. Paul Campus.

  • The keynote speaker will discuss how he was able to incorporate technology and multimedia tools to store and share stories.

2) Minnesota eLearning Summit is scheduled for July 29th-30th in St. Paul, Minnesota.

  • Focus of the event is online teaching, learning, and digital tools including eFolio.


They Don’t Teach You Politics in Library School!

RoadClosedOpen. hober
Some rights reserved by hober

The title of this blog post from the ALA Inside Scoop really grabbed me and made me think back to graduate school. I remember very little discussion there about politics and the importance of both national and state politics in our library world. It is possible that it simply did not grab my interest at that time like other subjects did.  Politics is messy, often not very much fun, and just plain hard work. Whether testifying at a hearing, sending email voicing your concern or support, or talking to your legislator while in line to pay at the gas station, your engagement is important. Why? Because libraries must be engaged with their communities. And, community engagement requires political engagement. It is that simple.

Read the full post at

Library Month is Almost Here!

Confetti.Jessica M. Cross
Some rights reserved by Jessica M. Cross

April is a month in which we take time to feature libraries!
As a result, each week CMLE will post noteworthy “happenings” pertaining to libraries appreciation.

  • This week CMLE recognizes School Library Month (SLM) sponsored by the American Association of School Librarians’ (AASL). This is a month long celebration of school librarians and their programs. In April 1985, a small committee published a 52 page book commemorating school media centers and served as the foundation for the  first  national celebration designated as “School Library Month.” Since then, every April school librarians are encouraged to create activities to help their school and local community celebrate strong school library programs-highlighting their role in a student’s education. We would like to hear from you- take a moment and share one thing you are doing to recognize School Library Month (place in the comment section below)!

Click here for additional information about SLM 2013.
Click here for a link to the history of SLM.

American Libraries Live Broadcasts!

Some rights reserved by INeedCoffee
Some rights reserved by INeedCoffee

What is American Libraries Live?

American Libraries Live is a joint production of American Libraries and ALA Editions, units of the American Library Association. It is a free, streaming video broadcast about today’s library issues and trends. Each episode focuses on a specific issue affecting libraries and librarians, and features a panel of vendors and library industry experts engaged in a real-time discussion. By registering on-line, it allows viewers (you) the option to interact and ask questions with the hosts via a live chat format.  This publication provides another opportunity for CMLE members to stay connected at a significant cost savings (stretching dollars).

  • In April, Sue Polanka, will lead a panel discussion on, “The Present and Future of e-Books.”  This episode will air on Thursday, April 18th at 1pm Central time. You can register here!
  • If you were not able to view this month’s (March) broadcast about Library Safety & Security with Cathy Hakala-Ausperk and Brett Lear, click here for the recorded conversation now available on YouTube.


2013 Outstanding Reference Sources!

RUSA LogoReference and User Services Association (RUSA) is an organization of reference and information professionals who strive to make the connections between people and the information sources, services, and collection materials.

RUSA has announced its selections for the 2013 Outstanding Reference Sources. This list of titles identifies the most important reference publications for small and medium-sized public and academic libraries published in a given year.