Tag Archives: 23

23 Mobile Thingy Doers

icon_23_100px1Have you been reviewing the progress of your fellow CMLE bloggers? Don’t know how?

Go to the main 23 Mobile Things site at http://23mobilethingsmn.org/ and look down the right frame until you see CMLE. When you click on that, you can see all of the bloggers in our region….it is a moving target, but last count it was over 80 blogs!

As you scroll down the list, you may see little badges with numbers on them. One person has completed 10 Things already, a number of others have completed 5 Things. Me thinks some of you may not have claimed your badges and just need a little reminder! And ahem, I will never expose you to the world, but some of you created a blog, but don’t have a single post there yet! What’s with that?

According to #6 of the FAQ’s on the main page….here is the badge information!

6. Are there prizes?
Yes! Participants who complete the entire course will receive a completion incentive. You must register your blog as described in Thing 1 and complete all Things by June 15, 2014. Only registered Minnesota participants are eligible for prizes.

Plus, badges! Each time you complete a group of five things (in any order), send us an email at minn23@gmail.com with your name, region and blog name and we will add a badge next to your blog on the blog list by region. If you have another place to display a badge, let us know that, too, and we will send you the badge to display. You can see the badges in the right sidebar.

Twitter                                                  Additional reminder: Tweet with us! #23ThingsMN

Only 10 Days Left to Register for 23 Mobile Things!

The clock is ticking, and we would really like to see you register by February 15th for this fun, self-paced program. Do you vaguely remember something about this program, but forgot the details? Read our recent blog post with everything you need to know to get started!

Do 23 apps or  June 15th as a program end point just sounds like too much commitment? No worries, register for the program and do as much or as little as makes sense for you. After all, even if you learn about one new app that makes your personal or professional life better, you are still ahead of the game! And, who knows, you may be having so much fun, that you go ahead and try another, and another, and win prizes too!  See you all online!

23 Mobile Things Logo
23 Mobile Things Logo

23 Mobile Things Update

icon_23_100px1Our Mobile Things participants are off to a great start!The adventure has started!

Registration opened on Jan 15; more than 300 people have registered to participate in 23 Mobile Things. And in the CMLE region, we currently have 56 people registered. A few individuals in our region are dangerously close to earning their first badge for completing five of the Things. I can’t help but notice that  many 23 Things On a Stick “grads” (from five years ago) have signed up for this version of the program. Individuals tell me that they enjoy learning at their own pace, in the privacy of their cube when they really mess up! I often learn the most when things don’t work out quite as I had planned! So, don’t be afraid to try things and take a winding trail if needed to meet your learning goals. But what if you mess up, and get really stuck? Now it might be time to look over your cube wall to your colleague! See how far they are in the program, and whether they may have the same problem. And, if you get really stuck, you can always email  us at minn23@gmail.com. When you get yourself out of the ditch, be sure to post about your struggle, as you may very well help someone else out as they read your blog post!

Reminder: 23 Mobile Things is open to all staff in Minnesota libraries, as well as their Boards & Friends. It may be helpful to find a group to connect with via your blogs or in person to provide mutual support & encouragement. You can see all of the registered blogs in a region by clicking on a region’s name in the sidebar of the site. Here are those who have registered in CMLE . Tip: See what people are saying on Twitter about 23 Mobile Things by following the hashtag #23ThingsMN  and  join the conversation.

Registration runs through Feb 15 and the program ends Jun 15. We estimate that it takes about an hour per app to do the program, so whether you are doing it on “library time” or on your own time, plan to spend about 25-30 hours over the course of the 6 months.

If you are undecided about the program, read the Welcome & the FAQs to get a sense of what’s ahead. Then fire up your device, register, & get appy!

Adapted from a recent  post by Metronet, the Twin Cities multitype library system.

Meet the CMLE coaches….23 Mobile Things!

Jonathan Carlson
Jonathan Carlson

Meet our coaches…..as many of you know, our CMLE staff is small, and sometimes the needs are big! Jonathan and John are willing and excited to help me read and comment on the blogs of participants in the 23 Mobile Things program. Be nice please, they are total volunteers!  Here are a few fun facts about these guys….


Jonathan Carlson is the Science Librarian at the College of Saint Benedict/Saint John’s University.  He received his MALIS from UW-Madison and MS in Forest Ecology and Management from Michigan Tech, although he is a Gustie at heart.  He enjoyed volunteering, having participated in Lutheran Volunteer Corps in Minneapolis and Peace Corps in Tanzania, and most recently has served as staff person on an Alternative Spring Break trip working with Habitat for Humanity in Oklahoma.  You’ll often find him reading a good book, cleaning his aquariums, or enjoying the outdoors.


John Meyerhofer
John Meyerhofer

John Meyerhofer was a math major at St. John’s University (MN) and is currently in the  MLIS program at University of Wisconsin Milwaukee. He grew up in Zumbrota MN, is the proud father of two boys,  and is a stay at home dad. John is an avid reader; his favorite book is Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien. He has lots of  other hobbies, many indicate he is an active guy! He has hiked to Delicate Arch in Arches National Park in Utah this past summer. He likes to downhill ski – skied Big Sky MT last winter – once skied in Austrian Alps! Last but not least, it appears John is a music junkie. According to John, ” I love all kinds of music from classical to contemporary, Bach to the Beatles, Chopin to Coldplay, Wagner to Wilco.” You can find John on Twitter at @JRMeyerhofer

As you blog your way through the 23 Mobile Things Program, watch for comments on your blog posts.

If you too would like to be a volunteer CMLE coach (cheerleader), send email to cmle@stcloudstate.edu and let me know.

Let the fun and learning begin!

Register Now for 23 Mobile Things

icon_23_100px1Profiles of 23 Mobile Things Participants

The Daredevil: Are you the daring sort that never reads the directions?  And, if so, do you feel ready to dive right into the 23 Mobile Things program? If so, go to http://tinyurl.com/llmktn4 to get started. You can create a whole new blog, or, you can use an existing blog as long as we can tell when you are blogging about your progress in the program! Note: If you really get derailed, we may have trouble helping you out of the ditch, but daredevils often don’t ask for help anyway, right?

The Rules Person: Do you just feel much better if you read all of the instructions first? No shame in that, and it is possible you may not end up “in the ditch” along the way. Go to the Welcome page at http://23mobilethingsmn.org/. While you are there, click on the Frequently Asked Questions  too, just for good measure!

The In-Betweener: And then we have the group that starts to read the FAQ’s, gets distracted by  a link, and they are off! That is ok too, just be sure to bookmark the site so you can easily find your way back to the general program information when you need it!

We will send out blog posts during the program to keep everyone on track! Thanks in advance for participating….am hoping to see good participation in Central Minnesota. No pressure, but yes, there is a wee bit of competition across multitype regions, so make me look good!  🙂

The 23 Mobile Things Program is sponsored by the  Minnesota Multitype Library Systems