In browsing the top 50 e-learning sites, FunBrain is a very simple website with both content and games for grade school children. The information is divided into basic categories for viewing books where you can sample a chapter or two online, follow comic strips and select from a variety of skill building games. It is just another tool that can be used to continue to facilitate learning. As a component of the Family Education Network, Pearson Education, it is a free resource that does not require registering a user name and password to access the online information.
Research about girls and video games shows that girls tend to prefer games that include problem-solving, collaboration and real-life elements. Designers of educational technology have found that math and science-based games are most popular with girls when the concepts have some connection to real-world situations and can lead to a solution that supports a “social good.” blog (1/14)
Hundreds of libraries across the country will join ALA for the first-ever National Gaming Day @ your library November 15. Public, school, and academic libraries will participate in two national events. The first is an attempt to establish a record for the most number of people playing the board game Pictureka! on the same day at the library. Gamers will also participate in a national library video game tournament via the Web. Watch a video interview (6:06) with ALA Literacy Officer Dale Lipschultz about this exciting initiative.
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