Tag Archives: meetings

Strategies to Simplify: Tip 11: Reform your meetings

“Work simply. Live fully.”  This week CMLE focuses on the following work productivity tip from Work Simply, Carson Tate’s popular book.  At CMLE, we’ve boiled down Tate’s wealth of knowledge from Work Simply to a few key points; please see the book for more detail and resources. At the bottom, see links to earlier tips in the series! Let’s all be our best selves….

This week’s activity: Change the way you handle meetings

When done correctly, meetings can be a powerful way to communicate, share ideas, and delegate work. They can lead to more productive teams. Unfortunately, as Carson Tate shares in her book Work Simply, “Too often, meetings are ineffective, irrelevant, wasteful, and costly.” In order to rectify this, she suggests a few fixes to try: examine the value of each meeting you are invited to, explore the alternatives available to an in-person meeting, require an agenda be used in each meeting, and assign accountability for any tasks delegated during the meeting.

Continue reading Strategies to Simplify: Tip 11: Reform your meetings

Attend the Next Statewide Summit on Global Learning!

Some rights reserved by Lednichenkool
Some rights reserved by Lednichenkool

In today’s interconnected, interdependent world, global learning is critical to our state’s success. More than 210 languages are spoken in Minnesota’s schools. Global is now local. All students need to be globally competent as they enter the workforce, business, and post-secondary education and live in the communities of Minnesota. A Statewide Strategic Plan for Global Learning inclusive of all stakeholders impacting PK-12 education will be the first step in this process. This includes: PK-12 and post secondary educators, business partners, government and community organizations.

We invite you to participate in the trans-formative work undertaken by the Global Learning Advisory Board established to address the challenges and opportunities of an interconnected world. Through keynotes by Tony Jackson and national and state leaders, and breakout sessions for various stakeholders, participants will learn from and be involved in reflective dialogue. The meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 9th from 8-4:30 p.m. at St. Cloud State University in the Atwood Memorial Center (AMC) ballroom. The cost to participate will be $25. For registration and program details, please visit: http://globallearningsummit.eventbrite.com/#

Save The Dates!

Calendar. deancollege
Some rights reserved by deancollegeIf

If you are thinking ahead about potential conferences and/or events this summer-you may consider adding these to your calendar!

1) MN Digital Library 11th Annual Meeting on June 4th at the U of M, St. Paul Campus.

  • The keynote speaker will discuss how he was able to incorporate technology and multimedia tools to store and share stories.

2) Minnesota eLearning Summit is scheduled for July 29th-30th in St. Paul, Minnesota.

  • Focus of the event is online teaching, learning, and digital tools including eFolio.


CMLE Annual Meeting/Workshop, a Success

This year’s meeting/workshop was on November 5th, and it was a hit according to our evaluations. The event took place at Northern Lights Ballroom and Banquet Center in Pease, MN. CMLE staffers presented four topics in forty minutes, and Julie Kramer,  author of Stalking Susan and Missing Mark,  was the featured speaker. Forty five people attended the event, and many admitted that this was their first encounter with Pease, MN! Over twenty prizes  were given out thanks to our many discount vendors. Thanks to all who attended and helped make this a fun event.

To see pictures from the event, go to http://www.flickr.com/photos/cmle1/sets/.

P.S. Plans were hatched for the Spring Meeting (an annual counterpart to the fall annual meeting). The spring meeting  is a East Central MEMO/CMLE Event. Co-chairs Kristina Kampa and Laura Kary-Smith will lead the planning for this event which will happen on April 27, 2010 at the new St. Michael/Albertville High School. Watch your email for more details soon.