Tag Archives: veterans

Vets Who Code

Libraries offer great resources to their veteran patrons, so when we saw the work this nonprofit is doing in regards to serving veterans, we thought we should share!

Vets Who Code was created by veteran and programmer Jerome Hardaway. The organization’s goal is to help veterans become programmers and also to challenge some stigmas out there about veterans and the workforce.

From their website:

“Launched in 2014, Vets Who Code is a non-profit dedicated to filling the nations technical skills gap with America’s best. We achieve this by using technology to connect and train veterans remotely in web development in order to close the digital talent gap and ease career transition for military veterans and to give military spouses skills to provide stability as they move to support their families. We believe that those who serve in uniform can be the digital economy’s most productive and innovative assets. Vets Who Code prepares them to enter the civilian work force with tangible skills for new careers.”

Check out this podcast interview with Hardaway, where they discuss some of the challenges he has faced, such as “reentering civilian life at the height of the Great Recession, how Vets Who Code was born, the specific assets vets bring to programming and the tech world, and how they overcome the challenges and stereotypes they face.”

A Day with Author Richard Rubin

Last of DoughYou are invited to attend a very special event sponsored by Learning Resources Services at St. Cloud State University. On Tuesday, April 8, 2014, Richard Rubin, author of “The Last of the Doughboys: The Forgotten Generation and Their Forgotten World War” will present the story of his research, interviews, and videotapes of nearly three dozen World War I veterans. This presentation is from 7:00-9:00 p.m. in the James W. Miller Learning Resources Services building (The Library) at SCSU. Please read on for more details.

It took Richard Rubin months to find just one living American veteran of World War I. He eventually found one. And then another. And another. Three dozen veterans were all that remained, and Rubin interviewed them. His research was done in the United States and France; he searched through archives, private collections, battlefields, literature, propaganda, and even music. These were the final survivors of the millions who made up the American Expeditionary Forces, nineteenth-century men and women living in the twenty-first century. Many kept their stories to themselves for nearly a lifetime, then finally shared them so that these events, these soldiers, and this war would be remembered. Rubin began his research in 2003 and devoted great effort in reaching out to these remaining veterans, in many cases interviewing them two and three times. Their ages ranged from 101 to 113. His book is more than just a war story; it is a story of meditation on character, grace, aging, and memory.

 The Day of Events:

  • The day begins with Rubin meeting with a group of undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in HIST 445/545: United States Military History (12:30-1:45) as they study World War I;
  • From 2:00-3:15, Rubin meets with undergraduate and graduate students from a number of disciplines, the common thread being that they will be conducting interviews and/or working with the elderly.
  • After dinner, he will return to the Miller Center Auditorium for his presentation and other activities of the evening, including the Honor Guard from the SCSU ROTC program, songs from the World War I era, and readings by Theatre students of materials from that era found in the SCSU Archives.
  • At the end of the evening, Rubin will sign books (a limited number will be available for sale immediately prior to the presentation) and meet the audience at the Reception, co-hosted by students from our Veterans Resource Center.
Author Richard Rubin

The intent of this invitation was to select some friends of the university (alumni, current and former faculty and staff, and community members) who have an interest in one of the many aspects of history and St. Cloud State University. This event is open to the public; parking is available at the SCSU Parking Ramp, in the Miller Center pay lot, in the C Lot (no fee), or on the street nearby; and the event is free of charge. Pre-registration for this evening event is required by April 3.

To guide us in planning for seating and refreshments, would you please rsvp your intent to attend to either (320) 308-3177 or e-mail cmberndt@stcloudstate.edu. We are looking forward to having you join us for this event.


Mark Vargas, Dean

Learning Resources Services