All posts by admincmle

The Central Minnesota Libraries Exchange (CMLE) is one of seven regional multitype library systems established to meet the needs of and share the resources of all types of libraries. We love libraries, and are here to support them!

Are You on the Path to Burnout?

photo-1428891786829-23a17f38b8f0After attending the ITEM and MLA Conferences recently, I was struck by how often the word burnout came into casual conversations. I was also struck by how often I heard  phrases like, “taking a step back” and “regrouping”. The hot wave of tech integration has warmed in “early adopter schools” and some media specialists are recalibrating, re-examining their practice. Public librarians are licking their wounds after summer reading programs. Smart professionals know burnout is a hazard of the profession, but also know they don’t need to idly wait for total burnout to happen!

Our friends at Edutopia did a great blog post about 12 steps to prevent burnout. Even if one idea works for you, it is worth a read. Do Pinterest boards called Happy Thoughts or Things That Make Me Laugh sound appealing? Or how about creating a joy journal? A quick read with all the links you need await you! Peace.

Image credit: (Ryan Pouncy), licensed under CC0 1.0

Teaching Mindfulness

photo-1444312645910-ffa973656ebaHave you noticed mindfulness cropping up in different areas of your life? Mindfulness is a way of paying attention to present-moment experience and doing so with kindness and curiosity, rather than with judgement. Indeed, you will find the topic of mindfulness surfacing in peer reviewed journals  in what some professionals are calling an actual “wellness movement”.

Stress, anxiety, and depression are sometimes unnecessary if you know a bit more about how to manage those things. Not surprisingly, as adults embrace strategies and tools to help them feel successful and happy in life, they can better work with students/children in the same way. Small changes go a long way.  Encourage a child to confront negative thoughts about their self worth and you can change their life! It is pretty easy once you know how….

Edutopia did a recent piece about the simplicity of giving the gift of mindfulness to students of all ages. It is worth a read….five minutes of your time.

You might also enjoy this short piece about handling classroom transitions too…..Making the mundane mindful!

Still too stressed out to help anyone but yourself on the topic of mindfulness? No worries….loop back to the mindfulness series we did last year to get started, and good for you. You are most definitely worth it!

Image credit: (Deniz Altindas), licensed under CC0 1.0

Adult Storytime: Yoga for the Brain?

Samantha TerBeest read a short story as the Winona Public Library held adult story time over the lunch hour.Are you looking for ways to help adults slow down and indulge in simple pleasures? Would adults like listening to a short story or poetry reading in your library while they munch on their lunch rations? And, what if on special occasions, you even invited guest readers? This very type of programming is happening nationally, but in Winona, MN too!

Some CMLE members will remember Samantha TerBeest from when she was a CMLE temp employee. Sam enjoyed working with libraries so much, she decided to get her library degree and is now making news doing clever programming like adult storytime as the Adult Services Librarian at Winona public library. I think Sam is on to something here….what about you? Would you attend such an event during your lunch break? Wait, no lunch break? Hmmmmm….maybe some streaming on mindfulness is in order for this group!

Read the full article now, less than 2 minutes of your time!

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Adult Storytime: Yoga for the Brain?

Samantha TerBeest read a short story as the Winona Public Library held adult story time over the lunch hour.Are you looking for ways to help adults slow down and indulge in simple pleasures? Would adults like listening to a short story or poetry reading in your library while they munch on their lunch rations? And, what if on special occasions, you even invited guest readers? This very type of programming is happening nationally, but in Winona, MN too!

Some CMLE members will remember Samantha TerBeest from when she was a CMLE temp employee. Sam enjoyed working with libraries so much, she decided to get her library degree and is now making news doing clever programming like adult storytime as the Adult Services Librarian at Winona public library. I think Sam is on to something here….what about you? Would you attend such an event during your lunch break? Wait, no lunch break? Hmmmmm….maybe some streaming on mindfulness is in order for this group!

Read the full article now, less than 2 minutes of your time!

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CMLE Featured Service: North Star Library Consortium

money and savingsAre you looking for discount pricing on Destiny software and its associated subscriptions? Budgets continue to be tight, and there is a need to find solutions to manage school library collections!

Destiny is a state-of-the-art software solution that supports K-12 students and staff in the classroom, media center, or from home. Its higher-end, school-specific functionality is typically priced outside of the reach of small districts, unless they have access to a consortial buy. The North Star Library Consortium is a statewide opportunity open to any school media centers.  Its “hosted solution pricing”  offers affordability and support to even the smallest school districts!

Why? Consider the following efficiencies…

  • It is not necessary, but we strongly encourage all schools in a district to join the Consortium at the same time. Do you have high schools students reading at a middle school level, or vice versa? Within the Consortium, media specialists within a district can see all parts of the district’s collections, work together to share materials or solve problems, or assist each other with software tweaks too.This elevates the role of the school media center and its staff.
  • Membership in the Consortium also provides access to over 200 other schools on a discussion list using the very same product, solving the same problems. For media specialists/paras who have been working in acute isolation, this can be energizing, and offers a huge layer of support in their daily work.
  • Lacking tech support? By having the software hosted and maintained at Region 1 in Moorhead, MN, media specialists no longer have to rely on assistance from over-burdened tech staff in their district. Region 1 staff backs up Consortium data every two hours and attends to software updates too.

The full Consortium is currently represented by 110 districts, with 240 individual sites.  Over 2.8 million library titles are managed through this system, with an estimated value of $58 million, serving 182,716 patrons. Seventeen CMLE school districts and 42 schools are part of the North Star Library Consortium and include: Sartell, Rocori, East Central, Melrose, Aitkin, Long Prairie/Grey Eagle, Cathedral-John XXIII, North Branch, Kimball, Monticello, Paynesville, Becker, Maple Lake, McGregor, Royalton, Eden Valley-Watkins, and Osakis.

Interest in getting a bid? Go to to see all of the schools in the Consortium and to access the process for requesting a bid for joining. Note: Requesting a bid does not obligate you to join, but it can give you the information to do some possible tweaking on your budget!

This is one possible solution. Have you found other cost-effective solutions for managing your school library collections? Interested in other CMLE services? Additional information can be found on our website.

Image credit:, licensed under CC BY 2.0