Category Archives: Academic

Collections, events, and makerspace funding ideas!

Are you looking to update your school library collection? Maybe put on an event that promotes literacy, reading, or authors? Both of these opportunities come from AASL, but happily they do not require a membership. Read on for details and links to apply:

  • Inspire Collection Development Grant
    • This grant is intended to help public middle or high schools “extend, update, and diversify the book, online subscription and/or software collections” in order to increase student learning and achievement
    • Award amount: direct assistance grant capped at $5,000
    • Deadline: May 23, 2016
  • Inspire Special Event Grant
    • The goal of this grant is to assist public middle or high schools “create new or enhance educational activities in order to engage students within the library and to promote books, reading, literacy, and authors.”
    • Award amount: direct assistance grant capped at $2,000
    • Deadline: May 23, 2016

Have a great idea for a makerspace, or even just a classroom project? Check out these sites for grants to help fund your enterprise:

  • MakerSpace Lab Grants Page
    • This page features 16 different makerspace grant opportunities in amounts ranging from $500 – $75,000! They also have some non-monetary grants that award Adobe software and e-subscriptions to news services.
  • e-School News Funding Section
    • Check out this link to 14 different crowdfunding sites specifically geared towards classrooms. They also have some helpful tips before deciding on a site to use, which includes looking at who uses the platform, the pricing structure, and what features are included (in this case, less can be more.) Remember, there’s really no limit to how much you can raise!

Remember that CMLE wants to help fund your projects for your library, school or classroom! Check out our grants page here

Image credit:, licensed under CC0 1.0


State Library Updates: 5/3/2016

MDE logo retrieved online 12/17/13..TO: Minnesota Libraries
FROM: State Library Services
DATE: May 3, 2016
SUBJECT: Updates from State Library Services

Team Up with Workforce and ABE Colleagues
Thank you to the more than 100 people who attended the first Better Together workshop last Friday! We were excited to see connections being made across organizations, and plans beginning for partnerships among libraries, adult basic education, and workforce organizations in the metro area.

There is still time to register for the Mankato and Grand Rapids workshops.

Monday, May 9, 2016 – Mankato at Country Inn and Suites (Registrations received after April 29 are not guaranteed a lunch)
Monday, May 16, 2016 – Grand Rapids at Saw Mill Inn (Register by Friday, May 6 to make sure lunch will be available for you)

At Better Together, you’ll learn about promising practices for collaboration across organizations and learn about free resources that promote digital literacy and workforce skills. To help put your own ideas for collaboration into action, we are offering a competitive grant opportunity that will award up to ten grants with a maximum of $5,000/applicant. At least one of your project partners must attend a Better Together workshop and proposed projects must show promise for sustainability. Applications and more information will be available at Better Together sessions. For more information, to request an accommodation, or to be included on a mailing list for future announcements, please contact Emily Kissane (651-582-8508).

Submit Your LSTA Grant Application Soon
Apply for a mini grant or a larger competitive grant today! Applications are due Tuesday, May 17 for our two 2016 Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) competitive grant opportunities. Mini grants (up to $10,000) are available to help libraries offer programs and services to improve learning opportunities for children and young adults. The larger competitive grant opportunity will fund grant projects from $10,000-$100,000 with an overarching goal to expand library services for learning and increase access to high-quality information resources for all Minnesotans. Applications and further information for both opportunities are available on the Minnesota Department of Education’s Grants Management site. To learn more, visit the LSTA webpage and view the 2016 grant opportunities timeline. Please contact Jackie Blagsvedt (651-582-8805) for additional information.

Take a Look at the Supercharged Library
Supercharge your storytimes, collections, family engagement, and more through the OCLC-created Supercharged Library. Resulting from last fall’s Supercharged Storytimes project, the Supercharged Library is a compilation of resources generated by public library storytime providers from around the country and intended to invigorate your ongoing early literacy and learning work with kids and families. Please contact Jackie Blagsvedt (651-582-8805) for more information.

Go a Little North of Normal – ARSL Conference 2016
Take advantage of this unique close-to-home opportunity to connect, learn and share with your rural and small library allies from across the country. The 2016 Association for Rural and Small Libraries Conference is in Fargo, ND from Oct. 27-29, and early bird registration is now open.

CMLE Weekly Review: 5/5/2016

This issue of the Weekly Review recaps our blog posts from April 29-May 4, 2016

CMLE Updates: State & Regional News
– Under construction at St. John’s More
– Legislative Update More
– Are you or someone you know retiring, changing jobs, or receiving an award? More
– Follett acquires Baker & Taylor More
– Carpool karaoke! More

Upcoming Events and Registration Information
– Check out the calendar of library PD events More

Tech Bits and Ideas
– Best virtual reality headsets More
– Professional development and tech in 1:1 districts More

Resources You Can Use
– 9 Instagram tips More
– AASL recommended app – Skitch More
– Circulating neck ties? More
– Novels to help you escape – Booklist! More

Food For Thought
– Fewer Americans are visiting libraries, according to Pew More

Just For Fun
– Library jokes! More

MN Library Legislative Update

State CapitolThe following legislative updates were written by Elaine Keefe, library lobbyist for the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) and Information Technology Educators of MN (ITEM). CMLE helps pay  this lobbyist to serve the best interests of academic, K-12, public, and special libraries in Central MN. (Latest information is at the top)

Received Monday, May 2, 2016 at 12:25 PM

The Senate bonding bill (SF 2839) was released this morning, and it contains good news for libraries.  Here are the specifics:

Library Construction Grants:  The bill includes $2 million for the grants.  There are no earmarks, so the entire $2 million would be available for competitive grants.  $2 million was the amount included in the governor’s budget.

East Central Regional Library Headquarters and Cambridge Public Library:   The bill includes $2.414 million for a new building.  That was the amount requested by the city of Cambridge.  This must be matched with an equal amount of funding from non-state sources.

Bagley Public Library:  The bill includes $50,000 in general fund money for a grant to the city of Bagley for “improvements, furnishings and equipment for the city’s library or to reimburse the city for improvements, furnishings and equipment for the city’s library.”  The language is a little unusual because the library project was completed two years ago.  The 2014 bonding bill included $50,000 for the project, but the state later determined that this was an ineligible use of state bond funds and in 2015 the appropriation was canceled.  That is why this year’s appropriation is from the general fund.

Minnesota State Community and Technical College, Wadena Campus:  The bill includes $820,000 to relocate the current library to a new space and to convert the vacated space to a student services center.  $820,000 was the amount included in the governor’s budget.  This was the only higher education library project proposed this year.

East Side Freedom Library:  The bill includes $500,000 from the general fund to renovate the former Arlington Hills Public Library in St. Paul, which recently became the home of the East Side Freedom Library.  The library is operated by a nonprofit.  Its mission “is to inspire solidarity, advocate for justice and work toward equity for all.”

The Senate bonding bill is even larger than had been rumored, spending a total of $1.8 billion.  That is significantly larger than the $1.4 billion proposed by Governor Dayton and triple the amount that House leaders have said they want to spend. Even so, many requests were not funded at all or were funded well below the amount requested.  Senator Leroy Stumpf, chair of the Senate Capital Investment Committee, said they received $5.2 billion in requests.  The bill will be heard in the Senate Finance Committee tomorrow and then will head to the Senate floor.

Received Friday, April 29, 2016 at 3:23 PM

The legislative session must end no later than 3 weeks from Monday.  Here is an update on issues of interest:

Supplemental Budget:   The House and Senate passed their omnibus supplemental budget bills this week.  The Senate has combined all of its budget bills into one omnibus supplemental budget bill (SF 2356).

The House split the budget into three smaller omnibus budget bills, as follows:

Education and Higher Education  (HF 2749)
Agriculture, Environment and Jobs (HF 3931)
HHS, Public Safety and State Government (HF 3467)

How the bills will be conferenced has not been announced, but it is widely assumed that there will be one conference committee made up of ten members.  The conferees are expected to be appointed early next week.

Broadband:  Last month Governor Dayton proposed $100 million in Border-to-Border Broadband Grants.  The Senate included $85 million in its budget bill, while the House included $15 million for FY 17 and $25 million in FY 18.  The House also included $7 million for broadband grants for schools in its education finance bill.  Those who attended Library Legislative Day heard me describe this new grant program in detail.  For those who were not there, the proposal actually would fund two separate types of grants, as follows:

Broadband Wi-Fi Hotspots:  A school district may apply for a grant to support wireless off-campus learning through a student’s use of a data card, USB modem or other mobile broadband device that enables the student to access learning materials through a mobile broadband connection.  A school district that qualifies for sparsity revenue may apply for a grant to provide Internet access on school buses.  The maximum grant is $100,000 for a school district applying by itself or $200,000 if applying with a community partner such as a public library, community education department or adult basic education program provider.

Capacity Building:  A school district that is a member of a telecommunications cluster may apply for a grant of up to $100,000 to be used in any manner and with any community partners that will allow the district to expand telecommunications access for students, teachers and community members.

Of the $7 million appropriated, $5 million is for the broadband Wi-Fi hotspot grants and $2 million is for the capacity building grants.  This is a one-time appropriation.

Total Operating Capital:  The Senate has included in its budget $10.1 million to provide a one-time increase of $10.88 per pupil in total operating capital.  There is a list of 25 permitted uses of this funding in statute.  Among the permitted uses are:

“To improve and repair school sites and buildings, and equip or reequip school buildings with permanent attached fixtures, including library media centers”

“ To purchase or lease interactive telecommunications equipment”

“To purchase or lease computers and related hardware, software, and annual licensing fees, copying machine, telecommunications equipment, and other non-instructional equipment”

“To purchase new and replacement library media resources or technology”

“To purchase or lease telecommunications equipment, computers and related equipment for integrated information management systems”

“To pay personnel costs directly associated to the acquisition, operation and maintenance of telecommunications systems, computers, related equipment, and network and applications software”

After School Grants:  The Senate has included in its budget bill $500,000 in one-time funding for grants to after school programs.  This is the program that we have worked with Ignite Afterschool to support.

Bonding:  As you may recall, Governor Dayton proposed a $1.4 billion bonding bill, which would be the largest in state history.  It includes $2 million for Library Construction Grants.  House leaders have said they will spend no more than $600 million on a bonding bill, but have not released any specifics and are not expected to do so anytime soon.  Rep. Paul Torkelson, chair of the House Capital Investment Committee, has said that the bonding bill’s fate will depend on reaching agreement on other issues such as taxes and transportation.  House leaders have characterized the bonding bill as “dessert,” which must come last.  The Senate is scheduled to release its bonding bill on Monday.  It is rumored that it will be a little larger than the governor’s proposal.

Legacy:  The House has passed its omnibus legacy funding bill, HF 3829, out of committee.  Unlike the other three funds the Outdoor Heritage Fund appropriations are made annually, and the bulk of the bill is made up of those appropriations.  However, there is one provision of interest to libraries in the bill.  It reinforces the requirement that legacy funds are to be used to supplement rather than supplant existing funding by requiring any entity requesting funding from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund to inform the Legislature “if the entity funded the same project or program after 2006 and how the previous project or program was funded.”  This is based on a recommendation from the Legislative Auditor.

Because sales tax revenue has lagged behind projections, there are deficits in three of the four legacy funds, including the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.  To resolve the deficit, Minnesota Management and Budget plans to enact a shift by authorizing agencies to “allot only 97% of their FY 17 appropriations, holding back 3% of each appropriation for spending in the following fiscal year, FY 18.”

Elaine Keefe
Capitol Hill Associates
525 Park Street, Suite 255
St. Paul, MN 55103
(cell) 612-590-1244

Image credit:, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Nine must know tips for Instagram

Red UmbrellaInstagram (in this writer’s opinion) is one of the most fun social media sites. Being able to beautify your pictures and literally see what your friends are up to without the wordy commentary of Facebook, what’s not to like? Just like any social media app, Instagram has some great shortcuts that can improve its experience.

This article delves deeper into nine tips for beginners, many of which include increasing privacy by blocking random followers and removing location tags from a map. You can also find instructions for viewing every photo you’ve ever liked, and arranging notifications to alert you when someone you follow has posted a new picture.

How do you like Instagram? Any other shortcuts or tips the article forgot? Leave us a comment and let us know!

Image credit:, licensed under CC BY 2.0