If you’ve been reading along each month with our Goodreads book groups, we hope you have been enjoying the selections, and learning great things to help further your professional life! If you are just joining us, fantastic! Here are the books we are reading for the month of February:
This book addresses several different communication problems and offers solutions, in order to build more meaningful relationships. We will learn how to listen better and how to handle ourselves effectively during conflict!
Many libraries have issues with patrons who struggle, and fail, to rein in their impulses to keep things they find. In this case, we are focusing on our younger patrons; and suggesting some books to help to share some good behavior habits!
A librarian was looking for book suggestions to help overcome a problem in her school library. She wanted books to help kids learn a few skills:
that when we find— we don’t keep
we don’t pass on what we find to someone who does not own it
we don’t put it in our backpacks or pockets and take it home
we give it to the person who we know for sure owns it
or we give it to the Teacher or the Teacher Librarian-it may belong to another student, the Teacher, The Teacher Librarian, the library, the classroom, the school, etc.
Do you like YA literature, or encouraging young adult readers? Start planning ahead, because Teen Lit Con 2017 is coming up! On Saturday, May 6th from 10am to 4pm at Sibley High School in Mendota Heights, both authors and teens will assemble to share their love of books and reading!
The event is free and open to the public! They will have different sessions, an exhibit hall, and many different author signings. To get a feel for the conference, check out last year’s event.
Some of the authors that will be at Teen Lit Con 2017 include: