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MNLibLeg: Legislative Update

**This update was written by Elaine Keefe, MLA/MEMO Library Legislative Lobbyist**

House Omnibus Education Bill:  The House omnibus education bill was posted online this afternoon.  It maintains current funding for all library appropriations — Regional Library Basic System Support (RLBSS), Regional Library Telecommunication Aid (RLTA), Multi-type funding, the Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) and Telecommunication Equity Aid (TEA).  The bill also increases the general education formula from the current $5,224 per pupil to $5,328 in FY 2014 and $5,433 in FY 2015.  It also repays the education funding shift to the 90/10 payment schedule.

Senate Omnibus Education Bill:  The Senate bill will be released Thursday morning.

Senate Higher Education Funding Bill:   Great news! The Senate higher education bill increases funding for Minitex and MnLINK by $300,000 per year.  Please send thanks to our chief author, Senator Kent Eken and the committee chair, Senator Terri Bonoff

House Higher Education Funding Bill:  As expected, the House higher education bill maintains current funding for Minitex and MnLINK.  Once the higher ed bill gets to conference committee, we will need to press the conferees to go with the higher funding level in the Senate bill.

Bonding:  We had not planned to pursue funding for Library Accessibility and Improvement Grants this year, but were encouraged to introduce a bill by House leaders.  We did have a bill introduced to provide $3 million, but today the House bonding bill was unveiled and it does not include any funding for libraries.  We will pursue it next year.

Legacy:  As previously reported, the House Legacy bill includes $3 million per year for regional public libraries and $300,00 per year for the Minnesota Digital Library.  The Senate has just announced the process it will follow.  Our Legacy request for regional public libraries will originate in the Senate E-12 Education Division before going to the Senate Legacy Subcommittee.

Elaine Keefe
Capitol Hill Associates
525 Park Street, Suite 310
St. Paul, MN 55103
office 651-293-0229
fax 651-293-1709
cell 612-590-1244

We’ve Learned: Staffing News and Updates from Around the Region

We’ve Learned… is designed to keep our readers informed about news concerning personnel in CMLE libraries/media centers. Please keep us informed of any “happenings” regarding staff members in your area so that we can include them in the next write-up! Happenings can include: changes in staffing, awards, honors… you get the idea!

  • Amy Springer has left her position at the College of St. Ben’s/St. John’s University and now works at the University of Minnesota. The Clemens Library and Alcuin Library at the College of St. Ben’s/St. John’s University is currently accepting applications for a Business Information and Outreach Librarian with an ALA-Accredited Master’s Degree in Library Science. Click here to review the full job description.

Evy Nordley Award Worth $1,000!

MALF LogoSince 1998, the MN Association of Library Friends (MALF) has presented the Evy Nordley Award for quality programming and project innovation. Nominations are now being accepted for this award.

If you know of a Friends group that has made a difference in your library, take a moment and share their success story. The top finalists will have an opportunity to present at the annual Minnesota Library Association (MLA ) conference in October. First prize winner will walk away with $1000! For more information visit the MALF’s website.

Free Trials for Electronic Resources!

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Some rights reserved by B a m s h a d

Are you interested in obtaining new, electronic resources for your library but are unsure about what to purchase when looking for the best fit for your organization?
Do you prefer to test a product before you buy it?
Or would you like to window shop and gather ideas to add to your wish list?

Minitex is offering free trials now through April 30th.
Here is the link to find out more about the specific resources offered and the passwords you will need to enter the sites as a guest user.

Symposium: Enhancing Quality Staff

Some rights reserved by roland
Some rights reserved by roland

The University of Minnesota is hosting the 21st Annual Enhancing Quality Staff Symposium on Tuesday, May 21st at the St. Paul Campus. This event is sponsored by Continuing Education and offers registrants the opportunity to customize their day. Session topics include;

  • What makes an award winning children’s book?
  • Difficult conversations: Are you prepared?
  • Liberating eBooks from difficult publisher platforms.
  • What you can learn from cookbooks.
  • The role of libraries in the success of first year students, and much more.

Click here to find additional sessions and locate registration information. Early bird registration ends on Tuesday, April 30th!