Northern Lights Library Network (NLLN) is hosting the, “Quarter Century of Great Books” Conference, in Grand Rapids, Minnesota on April 11-13th. If you are an adult interested in youth literature-this conference is for you!
Authors Mary Casanova, Karen Cushman, Susan Marie Swanson and illustrator, Scott Nash are among the list of feature presenters. In addition, Vicki Palmquist from The Children’s Literature Network will talk about how to make graphic novels irresistible to readers.
Registration is still open-click here for additional information!
Do teachers ask for your assistance with lesson planning?
Is it hard to stay ahead of them?
I recently saw a handy Edutopia blog post that not only talks about different Web 2.0 tools to assist in this work, and also offers links, tips and tricks.
Recently the President’s speech called for universal preschool programs. He went into detail about the achievement gap among children as young as age 3. Nine states and the District of Columbia fund universal prekindergarten programs for 4-year-olds, and most states fund some preschool for low-income families.
Does it surprise you that the benefits of receiving preschool programming are best measured in how much better kids do as adults? Can universal preschool close the achievement gap? Read more at The Washington Post (2/13)
This February, the Library Resources Group (LRG) announced the availability of The 2013 Librarian’s Yellow Pages (LYP) as a free digital download. This easy-to-use site design and integrated navigation tools allow the user to search by keyword or category-offering embedded links to access websites or contact suppliers directly.
A sample of the digital edition includes:
3,000+ library suppliers, including 700+ new companies,
7,000+ product/service listings, including 1200+ updated listings
620 product/service headings with easy access through keyword and category search
Whether you consider yourself an early adopter — or you tend to pick up newer trends more cautiously — the 2013 Technology and Communication Conference is the place for you!
This conference is sure to help anyone stay (or get) up to speed with today’s tools and trends with an eye to the future of mobile marketing, cloud computing and much more. The event will be held in Minneapolis on Wednesday, April 10th early morning breakout sessions begin at 7:30 a.m.. Click here to read more=>
Partnering with libraries for visioning, advocating, and educating