Category Archives: General

Authors coming to GRRL

ReadLook at these wonderful authors who will be doing author visits in the Great River Regional Library system!  This is a fantastic opportunity to invite your friends and family to meet authors, ask questions, and see if they might be a good fit to bring to other settings.

St. Cloud Public Library:

Elk River Public Library:

Paynesville Public Library:

Staples Public Library:

Long Prairie Public Library:

Image credit:, licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0



Reading aloud to teens

bustle...Reading aloud is usually associated with young children, although recently, new efforts to read aloud to adults have surfaced too. But, what about teens?

With many story-time programs at schools and public libraries we create an environment where children hear, engage, and appreciate the stories that are being read to them. But can teens also benefit from being read to? A recent article in the School Library Journal (SLJ) says yes!

“Young people often listen at a higher comprehension level than they read,” says Jim Trelease, author of The Read-Aloud Handbook.  This fact allows teens to advance their reading skills just by listening. “While some educators may view reading aloud as a step backward pedagogically, or not the most productive use of class time, reading aloud can advance teens’ listening and literacy skills by piquing their interest in new and/or rigorous material.” The SLJ article continues, “It also builds what Trelease calls the “pleasure connection” between the young person and the book and the person reading aloud.”

And isn’t a pleasure in reading what we ultimately want?

Check out the whole SLJ article now for more details on how reading to teens can help them learn.

Image credit:, licensed under CC BY 2.0

State Library Update 2/11/16

MDE logo retrieved online 12/17/13..TO: Minnesota Libraries
FROM: State Library Services
DATE: February 11, 2016
SUBJECT: Updates from State Library Services

We’re Hiring! Position Open at the Minnesota Braille and Talking Book Library
State Library Services is excited to announce that the Minnesota Braille and Talking Book Library is now hiring an Audio Visual Education Specialist. Based in Faribault, this new position will run the library’s volunteer-driven recording program, creating digital audio recordings for library patrons. Applications will be accepted through February 16. To access the job posting and apply online, visit Minnesota’s Online Job Application website and search for job opening ID #2799. For more information, please contact Catherine Durivage (507-384-6860).

Learn More about Supercharged Storytimes
Last fall, 80 Minnesotans participated in Supercharged Storytimes–a dynamic online early learning training program–sharing their experiences, challenges and triumphs in amping up their storytimes. The Supercharged Storytimes curriculum is now available to all through the end of March, and we’d like to invite you to join in the fun.

Please join Jackie Blagsvedt for a 30-minute webinar on February 26, 2016 at 1:30 p.m. when she’ll highlight the best from Minnesota’s Supercharged Storytimes online community. If you don’t have access to a computer, you can join the conversation by phone at 1-888-742-5095, conference code 132 628 9594.

Contact Jackie Blagsvedt (651-582-8805) with questions or to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in this event. Note: MDE requires a two-week advance notice in order to provide the requested accommodation and requires a 48-hour notice in order to cancel a requested accommodation.

Learn How Your Library Can Feed Hungry Kids
Fewer than 15 percent of Minnesota kids who benefit from the free or reduced-price school lunch program have access to summer and afterschool food programs. Limited access to free food programs, particularly during the summer, leaves many children hungry. Public libraries can help make sure kids have access to nutritious food when school is not in session. Begin planning your summer 2016 participation by attending an informational webinar on February 24, 2016 at 11 a.m. Jenny Butcher, USDA Summer Food Service Program Coordinator at MDE, will share how you can get involved. There is no need to pre-register. Please join the WebEx meeting online (meeting number 594 625 833) or call in at 1-888-742-5095 (conference code 874 403 3672). Please contact Jen Verbrugge (651-582-8356) with questions or to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in this event. Note: MDE requires a two-week advance notice in order to provide the requested accommodation and requires a 48-hour notice in order to cancel a requested accommodation.

Save the Date: Better Together – Strengthening Adult Learning Communities – Libraries, Adult Education & Workforce Regional Meetings
Mark your calendar and plan to join colleagues from adult education, libraries and workforce development for a full-day learning opportunity. The workshops are designed to increase our collective capacity to work together to improve adult literacy and workforce outcomes for Minnesotans.

At each session, you’ll hear promising practices for collaboration across organizations, learn about free resources that promote digital literacy and workforce skills, and have a chance to work with your local counterparts to develop a collaborative project.

April 29, 2016 – Roseville at Minnesota Department of Education
May 9, 2016 – Mankato at Country Inn and Suites
May 16, 2016 – Grand Rapids at Saw Mill Inn

For more information or to be included on a mailing list for future announcements, please contact Emily Kissane (651-582-8508).

Supervisor Nuts and Bolts Workshop

I have a plan. (187/365)Do you supervise and give work direction with no authority? Do you feel like you are killing yourself to meet all aspects of your job, when it is never enough? Are your best intentions being undermined, misunderstood or met with hostility? Let us help…

CMLE would like to gauge your interest in attending two “after school” sessions (4-6 pm) in St. Cloud that will build your skill sets in positively influencing others and in creating space to do really good work. Come to hear how to get others (often paras) to do what you want them to do, while also wrapping your supervisor around your little finger! Come prepared to share with a professional expert/facilitator what is hard, what is not working, and get tips you can use tomorrow to make you better at what you do!

CMLE is willing to underwrite the costs of this event, but needs to gauge interest before we hire an expert to teach/facilitate these sessions. We need a minimum of 10 people and have room for 25. If you are from the Central MN region and think  this free workshop is for you, please weigh in below and indicate ALL dates that you could attend the first session.

Problems with the poll? Send email to for assistance.

The poll closes on February 22, 2016.

Image credit:, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

We've Learned: Job openings and staff updates

LightbulbJob openings

Needed: CMLE Office Administrator.Click here for details.

East Central Regional Library:

  • Branch Librarian II: Aitkin
  • Branch Library Assistant, multiple locations: Aitkin, Mille Lacs Lake Community Library in Isle, Princeton, Cambridge.

Thanks everyone for helping us identify new staff in area libraries as shown below! Keep these updates coming to us at

  • Jessie Storlien, Archivist, Stearns History Museum
  • Elise Carey, Librarian, Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls
  • Shelly Ash, Media Specialist, Milaca High School
  • Nancy Sutherland, Media Assistant, Pine Meadow Elementary School
  • Britteny Muus, Media Specialist, Princeton High School
  • Lauren Hennis, Media Educational Support Professional, Buffalo High School
  • Candice Young – Librarian, Anoka-Ramsey Community College – Cambridge Campus

New CMLE Board Officers (Executive Committee) include:

  • President, Maria Burnham, Media Specialist, Sauk Rapids-Rice High School
  • Vice President, Susan Schleper, CentraCare Health Systems
  • Treasurer, Vi Bergquist, Director/CIO of Library and Technology @ St. Cloud Community & Technical College
  • Secretary, Joanne Kudrna, Granite Equity Partners, GRRL Citizen Appointee

New CMLE Governing Board roster.

Image credit:, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0