With football season coming to a close, you may be wondering what your library can learn from your endless hours of watching football. You may be surprised, but Amy and Robin say there is a lot you can learn about leadership from the NFL.
Develop your leadership lens using lessons from the NFL. A leadership lens is a tool that allows you to view leadership decisions and scenarios from other fields and apply it to libraries and librarianship. Develop your leadership skills by relating leadership successes and failures of the National Football League (NFL) to your library. Analogies from recent NFL seasons will help us think about future library scenarios that we may face. We will use examples from the NFL to illuminate leadership issues.
Amy Springer, Government and Business Librarian, College of St. Benedict/St. John’s University, and Robin Ewing, Reference Services Coordinator, St. Cloud State University, will present this interesting, fun program at ACRL in April, but for those of you who can’t make ACRL, you’re in luck. Amy and Robin will present this program as a Metronet Wind Down and you’re invited! Library staff in all different types of libraries are welcome to attend! No RSVP required.
Cost: Free
Date: March 7, 2013
Time: 3:30-5:00 p.m.
Location: Metronet Board Room 320, 1619 Dayton Ave, St. Paul
Directions: Google Map. Parking is free.
Contact: Metronet