Minitex is offering the following EBSCO, Britannica, and Gale/Cengage hosted webinars on resources included in ELM.
EBSCO Webinars
Overview of Medical Resources: 
Monday, October 1, 12:30 – 1:30 PM; Register for “Overview of Medical Resources”
This session will explore the following medical resources on EBSCOhost: Health Source – Consumer Edition, Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition and Alt HealthWatch. Learn to use personal folders, and subject and journal alerts to explore the features of EBSCOhost that complement the content of these health-related databases.
Research Tools for Middle and High School:
Friday, October 26, 3:30 – 4:30 PM; Register for “Research Tools for Middle and High School”
In this session, attendees will learn how to navigate and successfully search databases designed for grades 6-12. We will conduct searches in both Student Research Center and EBSCOhost interfaces and discuss Lexile reading levels and a variety of search methods. Your students are sure to become super researchers in no time at all! Attendees will also tour the EBSCO Support site, which provides additional training tools as well as materials to help promote these valuable online resources.
EBSCOhost Mobile 2.0:
Wednesday, October 31, 12:30 – 1:15 PM; Register for “EBSCOhost Mobile 2.0”
This 45-minute session is intended for librarians and others who would like to learn more about the *NEW* mobile searching experience using EBSCOhost or EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) – no separate profile or app required! We will explore all the features available when using a mobile device to access EBSCOhost or EDS to include searching, limiters, folders, delivery options, authentication, branding/customization, reporting, and statistics.
Research Tools for Grades K-5:
Friday, November 2, 3:30 – 4:30 PM; Register for “Research Tools for Grades K-5”
This session is specifically geared to grades K-5 teachers and librarians. Utilizing EBSCO’s Searchasaurus and Kids Search interfaces, participants will learn how to access grade-appropriate resources and help students get the research material they need! We will also discuss the advantages of using databases for searching instead of free Internet search engines. Finally, attendees will tour the EBSCO Support site, which provides additional training tools as well as materials to help promote these valuable online resources.
Consumer Health Complete:
Tuesday, December 4, 12:30 – 1:30 PM; Register for “Consumer Health Complete”
This session addresses the vast collection of health-related content available in Consumer Health Complete. We’ll explore the custom interface to access encyclopedias, evidence-based care sheets, images, animation, and more! Attendees will also tour the EBSCO Support site, which provides additional training tools as well as materials to help promote these valuable online resources.
Britannica Webinars
Advanced Britannica Webinar: Workspace and Putting Videos into PowerPoint:
Thursday, October 25, 3:00 – 4:00 PM; Register for “Advanced Britannica Webinar: Workspace and Putting Videos into PowerPoint”
Join us to learn ways to help users use some of the advanced features available on Britannica. Learn how to create a Workspace for research and classroom purposes, put Britannica videos into PowerPoint presentations, and learn about any new features during this live, 1-hour webinar. Britannica Online School Edition is a provided to Minnesota schools funded through Minitex.
Minnesota Academic Standards Resources in Britannica:
Wednesday, October 3, 10:00 – 11:00 AM; Register for “Minnesota Academic Standards Resources in Britannica” (October 3)
Friday, November 16, 11:00 – 12:00 PM; Register for “Minnesota Academic Standards Resources in Britannica” (November 16)
Teachers and Library Media Specialists are invited to register for this online webinar about accessing free Minnesota Academic Standards resources from Britannica Online School Edition. We will explore articles, videos, interactive learning materials, and more! Britannica Online School Edition is provided to Minnesota schools funded through Minitex.
Teaching Literacy Skills in the Content Areas with Britannica:
Tuesday, October 9, 2:00 – 3:00 PM; Register for “Teaching Literacy Skills in the Content Areas with Britannica” (October 9)
Wednesday, October 31, 11:00 – 12:00 PM; Register for “Teaching Literacy Skills in the Content Areas with Britannica” (October 31)
Looking for new ways to use promote content literacy in Social Studies and Science? Britannica Online has many resources to help both Science and Social Studies teachers to focus on literacy within those content areas. During this 60-minute webinar, you will learn about some literacy strategies that you can use in the classroom right away! Britannica Online School Edition is provided to Minnesota schools funded through Minitex.
Gale/Cengage Webinars:
Gale’s FREE Access My Library App for Mobile Devices:
Wednesday, October 10, 12:00 – 1:00 PM
Monday, November 12, 4:00 – 5:00 PM; Register for “Gale’s FREE Access My Library App for Mobile Devices”
Gale’s FREE Access My Library App for Mobile Devices provides 24/7, on-the-go access to renowned Gale resources whenever and wherever they’re needed. Attend this session to learn more about how it works, how to add your institution to the app, and how to order free promotional items to market the app and support your library.
Student Resources in Context:
Monday, October 15, 3:30 – 4:30 PM
Friday, October 26, 12:00 – 1:00 PM; Register for “Student Resources in Context”
Student Resources in Context reaches out to today’s learners with a Web-like user experience, which intuitively conveys needed information on all core subjects from Science to Literature to History. From the eye-catching, media-rich homepage to the fast navigation options, Student Resources in Context helps students develop both research and critical-thinking skills while covering the spectrum of student-focused subject matter. Attend this session to learn more about the authoritative content available in Student Resources in Context and get tips on how to best work with the portal pages. Additionally, we’ll review how you can find content appropriate to your student’s reading level.
InfoTrac Student and Junior Editions:
Monday, October 22, 12:00 – 1:00 PM
Monday, November 4, 4:00 – 5:00 PM; Register for “InfoTrac Student and Junior Editions”
InfoTrac Junior and Student Editions provide the in-depth, up-to-date information that students need to conduct research across the full range of academic and general interest topics. These periodical solutions operate on the PowerSearch platform, which enables users to cross-search content found in a single collection and with other collections. During this session we will give you information on how to navigate through PowerSearch and the general content available in these periodical databases.