Before I attended this year’s Lake Superior Libraries Symposium, I was told repeatedly how much fun I would have and how much I would like my fellow attendees. I was suspicious: maybe I wouldn’t have fun, and after getting my hopes up, maybe they would be crushed a little extra.
Fortunately, that was absolutely NOT the case – it was great!
I have been to a lot of conferences, all over the place; and I inevitably spend what seems like hours driving around the venue looking for a place to park where I can be reasonably sure my car will still be there when I get back. Then I discover I missed a pre-conference event, or I can’t find the registration area, or any number of other disasters caused by poor planning
NONE of that happened here! Not only was everything easy to find, but the organizing committee kept us well informed – even sending out maps of the parking area where we could park, stationing people to wave signs at us, and providing a constant series of directions and information before, during, and after the conference! It was wonderful! Continue reading Thanks to the Lake Superior Libraries Symposium!→
It is always great to meet library colleagues – you have so much to talk about right away! Going to conferences is a very good strategy for meeting up with colleagues; and attending a state association conference lets you put faces to the names of people you may be emailing with, talking with on listserves- or maybe did not even know yet!
This year the Minnesota Library Association’s Annual Conference was in Duluth, September 29-30. From everything I saw, did, and enjoyed there, I can say that a good time was had by all! And it was definitely a learning experience, with so many great sessions and presentations, and many opportunities to connect with people from across the state.
Do you want more information about it, or to see some of the events? MLA has you covered!
It all looks fun, doesn’t it?? Sign up for next year’s conference, which will be held in Rochester! Apply to CMLE for some money to offset your registration. If there is enough interest, we can rent a van and drive a group over one day! (Trust me: it’s ALWAYS fun to travel with library people!)
There were so many different sessions, looking at so many different types of libraries and library issues, it was impossible to see it all. No matter what you like to talk about and learn about in libraries: it was here! There were exhibitors, from assorted library vendors; all ready to chat with everyone about products and strategies to make libraries better. There was a poster session, with a variety of ARLD (Academic and Research Division of MLA) people presenting current research, professional activities, and things interesting to the members.
CMLE was represented in a great session on advocacy. “Library Legislative Process 101” was presented by Barbara Misselt, Director, East Central Regional Library and Jami Trenam, Associate Director of Collection Development, Great River Regional Library. “Library advocacy is for everyone, not just library directors and administrators. Join both seasoned and not-so-experienced library advocates at this roundtable to explore and share how we can advocate for library services for Minnesota citizens at the legislature.” This is such an important topic for all library people to explore, it was great to see it at MLA!
That evening, there was a social and networking event at the Glensheen Mansion! “The Minnesota Multicounty Multitype Library Systems and the Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth invite you to the Glensheen Mansion for fun, food, and networking. There will be guided tours of the mansion and grounds – including a rare peek into the family library at Glensheen led by Director Dan Hartman – chili buffet and a cash bar.” This was a very fun event, with a lot of opportunities to talk about history and libraries, to chat with people from all over the state, and enjoy learning the history of the house, the inhabitants, and all the household items.
Crabby Ol’ Bills: it’s a landmark, not JUST a good place to have doughnuts! (Though, it’s also that!)
What else happened? So many things! For more information look over the schedule and get some ideas about things you might want to learn about, or people who you might connect with from around the state. You can see all kinds of topics and learn about people who are doing things that you are interested in trying. Don’t hesitate to send an email to people who are involved in things you would like to know more about (politely, of course!). Conferences, and the after-conference discussions, are a great way to learn about different ideas to try out for yourself!
Registration for the fourth annual Lake Superior Libraries Symposium is now open! LSLS15, “Sharing Our Stories,” will be held on Friday, June 5, 2015 at the University of Minnesota Duluth. Library staff, administrators, trustees, and students from the Upper Midwest and beyond are invited to attend and participate. Register today!
For just $49, you’ll experience:
• Keynote by Char Booth, Director of Research, Teaching, and Learning Services at the Claremont Colleges Library, and a faculty member of the ACRL Information Literacy Immersion Institute
• 16 inspiring presentations on learning from our successes and failures, and crafting stories to demonstrate our impact and advocate for change
• Lightning round and networking time
• A Deluxe Taco Bar, featuring two types of salsa: midwestern and mild(er)
• A Thursday evening pre-conference social event featuring library pub trivia at Bowery Brothers Pub
• A Friday evening post-conference social event hosted by At Sara’s Table Chester Creek Cafe
For an additional registration fee ($25 for Minnesota Library Association members/$30 for non-members), attendees can participate in an optional pre-conference workshop on student learning assessment facilitated by Char Booth on Thursday, June 4 from noon-4pm. Registration is limited to fifty participants and lunch is included. This workshop is sponsored by the Minnesota Library Association and Minnesota Library Association Instruction Roundtable. Find more information and register here:
Our conference is located in beautiful Duluth, the gateway to the North Shore of Lake Superior. The region features world class breweries, restaurants, and outdoor activities.
A block of rooms is reserved for LSLS15 at the Radisson HarborView Hotel in Duluth at a special rate of $85 per night. Call 218-727-8981 and ask for the Lake Superior Libraries Symposium room block. Please make reservations before May 15th.
The Lake Superior Libraries Symposium is a conference developed by library staff members from Northwestern Wisconsin and Northeastern Minnesota. The Symposium was created to promote resource sharing and communication between organizations and to help librarians develop enhanced professional networks. Our continued operations are thanks to the in-kind and monetary contributions of our supporters.
Information and technology educators (we mean YOU) are expected to be leaders when it comes to navigating the new territory that is 21st century education, but how do you keep up with it all? By attending this one-day conference in the beautiful city of Duluth, of course! Join us to learn about the latest in technology integration, collaboration, digital resources and more. Our keynote speaker will be Mark Garrison, along with a variety of sessions on Tech Integration, Collaboration, 24/7 Learning,Digital Resources, Digital Footprint and Responsibility and more.
Where? Duluth East High School301 North 40th Ave EastDuluth, MN 55804 – 4:30PM
Mark Garrison, an innovative educator and a passionate advocate for technology in education, will present “Technology, Adventure and Change.” Mark will also conduct a session about GarrisonSites.
Planned sessions include “There’s an App for That,” “Let’s Get Coding!,” and “The Path to eBooks and the Journey Forward” – and that’s just to name a few! Feel free to bring your own device to join in.
Sounds great! How do I register?
Register online here. Registration is $75 and includes a continental breakfast, lunch, and all the information and fun you can handle! Bring five or more colleagues from your district and get the bargain price of $65!
What Else?
Need a hotel?The first two of these are the closest. The others are an easy drive away.
Information and technology educators (we mean YOU) are expected to be leaders when it comes to navigating the new territory that is 21st century education, but how do you keep up with it all? By attending this one-day conference in the beautiful city of Duluth, of course! Join us to learn about the latest in technology integration, collaboration, digital resources and more. Our keynote speaker will be Mark Garrison, along with a variety of sessions on Common Core, Tech Integration, Collaboration, 24/7 Learning, Digital Resources, Digital Footprint and Responsibility and more.
We’re still accepting session proposals – this smaller venue would be a great starter-conference for those new to presenting or an easy setting for you veterans. Come share your knowledge!