Image by Anna-Stina. Retrieved from Flickr. Used under Creative Commons’ licensing.
The second annual Minnesota Archives Symposium will be held on Friday, November 15th, Making Connections: Advocacy, Awareness and Archives. The symposium is sponsored by Hennepin County Library Special Collections and the Twin Cities Archives Round Table. This free event will be held in the Mary and David Doty Board Room (2nd floor) at Central Public Library in Minneapolis, MN from 1:00 – 5:00 PM.
Registration is open for the TIES conference Fast Forward: Transforming Pedagogy with TechnologyDecember 14-16thin Minneapolis, Minnesota. Focused on technology based educators, Fast Forward will highlight tools and resource solutions to incorporate into existing teaching methods. Conference keynotes will be internationally acclaimed speaker Marc Prensky writer, consultant and innovator (Monday) and on Tuesday international expert Mizuko “Mimi” Ito, cultural anthropologist.
Information in this post was provided by MDE, State Library Services.
You are invited to participate in bi-monthly training webinars offered by Proquest
The Historical Minneapolis Tribune is a great resource for local history, genealogy and History Day research. In collaboration with State Library Services, Proquest has established bi-monthly one-hour webinars that will help you increase your skills and knowledge. Training sessions provide a review of the content and search options as well as strategies for getting to the most relevant articles on your topic.
Sessions are currently scheduled through March 2014 and the full list of free webinars can be viewed at Proquest’s Training Website. We’ve set up a range of days and times designed to fit a variety of schedules; advance registration at the Training page is requested but not required.
If you are interested in scheduling in-person training at your location, or would like more information about the webinars, please contact Jennifer Nelson at 651-582-8791 or
The Minnesota Association of Secondary School Principals is co-sponsoring this year’s Minnetonka Institute, Essential Education in a Changing World;Empower educators with specific ways to integrate web 2.0, digital tool, and global portals into each classroom. Join keynote speaker, Heidi Hayes Jacobs, from Curriculum Designers, Inc., on November 8th, from 8:30- 3:00 pm, at Minnetonka Public Schools.
Conversations will be convened around;
The process of upgrading classrooms
Integrating new technologies with testing pressures
Effectively globalizing curriculum
21st century leadership meeting the needs of learners
This post was provided by Minitex, a cooperative purchasing and electronic resource service.
Minitext is offering a set of free trials for you to consider in your library now through October 31st. Electronic resources are grouped by theme and include: