Tag Archives: Notable Date to Celebrate

Notable Date to Celebrate: June 6th is National Gardening Exercise Day

 You probably already know that at CMLE, we offer a service called “Notable Dates for your Noggin” which feature special holidays and birthdays of authors, as well as publications of well-known books. In an effort to help you get more from this service, we’ve decided to select one “Notable Date” each month to feature. We will include a few fun programming and activity ideas too, all for you to use!

June 6th is National Gardening Exercise Day!

Gardening is a awesome way to exercise, and a fun way to enjoy the Minnesota summer. You may even be able to garden at your local library, since many of our CMLE members have great library gardens. 

While you are out exploring or exercising in the garden, take a listen to our podcast all about library gardens! We had so much fun talking about library gardens all over the country.

If you are interested in setting up your own library garden, check out this article which has tips for getting started.

Need motivation to get moving in your own garden? Try one of these ten books to inspire your garden. And don’t miss the Smithsonian Libraries’ seed catalog collection which represents 258 catalogs and features 500 images. If you are new to gardening, this article from Farmer’s Almanac will walk you through the steps of setting up your first vegetable garden.

Finally, get your students or young people out exercising in the garden with some of these ideas from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Ideas include activities like alphabet gardening or planting a pizza garden!)

Happy gardening!

Notable Date to Celebrate: April 10th is Encourage a Young Writer Day!

You probably already know that at CMLE, we offer a service called “Notable Dates for your Noggin” which feature special holidays and birthdays of authors, as well as publications of well-known books. In an effort to help you get more from this service, we’ve decided to select one “Notable Date” each month to feature. We will include a few fun programming and activity ideas too, all for you to use!

April 10th is Encourage a Young Writer Day.

There are lots of ways to encourage a young writer in your classroom, library, or life.  Check out these great gift ideas for young writers or find some neat journals from Amazon. If you’re feeling crafty, work together and make your own book to write in!

Looking for words of wisdom on the subject? This article is written from a homeschool perspective but has great suggestions for encouraging writing in kids of all ages. Check out what author Anne Lamott has to say to aspiring writers, or read this article specifically aimed at helping teen writers.

Of course, the best way to get kids writing is to make sure they read! Going to the library is probably the best encouragement of all! 🙂

Notable Date to Celebrate: March 16th is Freedom of Information Day

You probably already know that at CMLE, we offer a service called “Notable Dates for your Noggin” which feature special holidays and birthdays of authors, as well as publications of well-known books. In an effort to help you get more from this service, we’ve decided to select one “Notable Date” each month to feature. We will include a few fun programming and activity ideas too, all for you to use!

Thursday, March 16th is Freedom of Information Day!

“Freedom of Information (FOI) Day is an annual event on or near March 16, the birthday of James Madison, who is widely regarded as the Father of the Constitution and as the foremost advocate for openness in government.”

Make sure to check out all the resources from ALA about this important day. You can sign up for ALA’s Office of Intellectual Freedom newsletter here, which contains a ton of information including censorship, privacy, academic freedom, and First Amendment issues.

Learn more about the history of Freedom of Information Day and find lessons plans and activities here.

Notable Date to Celebrate: Tell a Fairy Tale Day is Feb. 26th!

You probably already know that at CMLE, we offer a service called “Notable Dates for your Noggin” which feature special holidays and birthdays of authors, as well as publications of well-known books. In an effort to help you get more from this service, we’ve decided to select one “Notable Date” each month to feature. We will include a few fun programming and activity ideas too, all for you to use!

Celebrate Tell a Fairy Tale Day!

Feb. 26th is Tell a Fairy Tale Day!

You can celebrate by reading from the classic fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen or the Brothers Grimm, but why not get a little more creative? Continue reading Notable Date to Celebrate: Tell a Fairy Tale Day is Feb. 26th!

Notable Date to Celebrate: January 27th is National Chocolate Cake Day!

You probably already know that at CMLE, we offer a service called “Notable Dates for your Noggin” which feature special holidays and birthdays of authors, as well as publications of well-known books. In an effort to help you get more from this service, we’ve decided to select one “Notable Date” each month to feature. We will include a few fun programming and activity ideas too, all for you to use!

Almost too pretty to eat!

January 27th is National Chocolate Cake Day!

The obvious way to celebrate this day, of course, would be to make/share/eat chocolate cake! Encouraging your patrons or students to try different recipes would be festive (and maybe they would share their cake with you!) And recipes are definitely out there in abundance. Try this one-bowl chocolate cake recipe,  or in case you are feeling adventurous, here is one for quinoa chocolate cake. (Please let us know how this turns out if you try it!)

Not in the mood for cake? Read about it instead! Betty Bunny Loves Chocolate Cake looks adorable, or this one based in New Zealand called Chocolate Cake for Breakfast



You could also indulge in a different way and try this recipe for a chocolate facial! Sounds easy and yummy!

Finally, who could possibly appreciate Chocolate Cake Day more than Bruce Bugtrotter from Matilda? Celebrate the day by re-reading or watching the book or movie!