Tag Archives: patrons

Learn how Disney does customer service this year at the ILL Conference


REGISTER NOW! The deadline is May 10.

8:30 AM – 3:15 PM, May 17, 2017

Continuing Education & Conference Center
University of Minnesota, Saint Paul Campus
1890 Buford Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55108

You don’t want to miss it! Our keynote speaker is J. Jeff Kober, President of Performance Journeys and CEO of World Class Benchmarking. Kober’s keynote, “Things I Wish I Could Tell My Librarian,” will offer big-picture insights to improve the experience of your library patrons. Kober previously worked for the Disnety Institute and is the author of “The Wonderful World of Customer Service at Disney.”

Katie Birch of OCLC and Valerie Horton of Minitex will also speak, and the afternoon will feature four breakout sessions. See the full event listing on Minitex News to get all the details.

Please contact Becky Ringwelski at e-ring@umn.edu or Tammi Halverson at halve186@umn.edu with your questions or comments. Image courtesy of PerformanceJourneys.com.

Thinking about manga titles?

Manga coloredMost libraries now have manga titles added to our collections, and they can be very popular with patrons!

If you do not regularly read these titles, it can be hard to know what the best ones might be for your patrons. Asking your patrons about the best, or the titles they most enjoy, is a great way to find good titles. You can also subscribe to listserves for manga fans, check out websites, or follow journal recommendations to get suggestions your patrons would enjoy.

The best way to get familiar with these titles is the same as all Reader’s Advisory suggestions: read them. Flip through the books and look at pictures. Pay attention to characters who appear throughout a series. Continue reading Thinking about manga titles?

Behind the scenes at St. Paul Public Library

Library work is interesting!

We love to see stories about libraries in the news, especially when it highlights the important work librarians are doing! This article from the Pioneer Press is about the process at the St. Paul Public Library regarding ordering new materials for their library.

They interviewed librarian Katy Schulz and described her challenging work: “It’s her job to make sure the books are there, before people even know they want them.”

Continue reading Behind the scenes at St. Paul Public Library

Free online training for your patrons!


Would you like to give your patrons free access to Photoshop training? Would helping them learn about video and animation at no cost to you or to them be good? How about your patrons who need to learn to use Microsoft Office – would you like some free training??

I’m sure the answer to all of that is yes!

The American Graphics Institute has established a Library Partner Program, that gives you access to self-paced online classes and digital books your patrons can use in your library. Read on, for all the details! Continue reading Free online training for your patrons!