Image by Pascal Maramis. Retrieved from FlickR. Used under Creative Common’s licensing.
Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) released a post online pertaining to a recent study exploring the various interactions librarians have with students. The article discusses what specific skills, knowledge and experience the librarian used to assist each individual student. This study evaluated the effectiveness of working with a librarian from the student’s perspective. General areas discussed included;
“What students need from reference librarians: Exploring the complexity of the individual consultation,” College & Research Libraries, 74, no 6 (June 2013): 288-29; full text article.
Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) is an organization of reference and information professionals who strive to make the connections between people and the information sources, services, and collection materials.
RUSA has announced its selections for the 2013 Outstanding Reference Sources. This list of titles identifies the most important reference publications for small and medium-sized public and academic libraries published in a given year.
If you are interested in honing your reference skills to adapt to the world wide web, here is a free (60 minute) webinar sponsored by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM). Join the discussion on Tuesday, April 2nd (2 pm-central) or Thursday, April 11th (noon-central).
For additional information or to register, click here.
Brought to you by the MN Multitypes, we’re currently on “things” 57 and 58! In this issue you’ll learn about ChaCha as a mobile answer service and about chat reference through AskMN. Check out the newest edition of Things on a Stick here.
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