In her blogCanadian teacher, Lisa Noble, lists three very different ways Twitter made a difference in her life. 1) Among her peers she was able to stay connected with the latest labor union news. 2) In her class the students are able to view real-time images and information feeds sent from astronaut Chris Hadfield’s during his amazing space expedition. 3) After hearing about a science project, through her Professional Learning Network (PLN), Lisa tweeted about the need to find a less expensive alternative for materials her family could use to create electrically powered inventions. You may be surprised at how “tweets” rewarded her. Click here to read more.
Research about girls and video games shows that girls tend to prefer games that include problem-solving, collaboration and real-life elements. Designers of educational technology have found that math and science-based games are most popular with girls when the concepts have some connection to real-world situations and can lead to a solution that supports a “social good.” blog (1/14)
Frog Dissection offers a scientifically accurate and greener alternative for teaching dissection in the classroom. It’s suitable for middle school students (and up) who are learning about organs and organ systems as part of their life science curriculum. This app offers 3D imaging, step-by-step instructions with voice over, and information about frogs’ organs, organ cycle, classification, lifecycle. This app is available on iPad for around $3.99. Find more information at
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