Tag Archives: September

September is Library Card Sign-up Month!

It’s Library Card Sign-Up Month! As library people, we probably know most of the wonderful benefits of having a library card, but not everyone is aware of all the great things that become available with a library card!

Library Card Sign Up Month began in 1988. For more about the event’s history, read a thoroughly-detailed accounting in the August 24, 2015 entry at the American Library Association Archives Blog, A Library Card for Every Child: Library Card Sign-Up Month, by Cara Bertram. Then follow this link to view the American Libraries Association Council Resolution that started Library Card Sign Up Month.

ALA has some great resources you can use this month, including this press kit that has resources like this downloadable pdf containing twenty quotable facts about libraries. And I Love Libraries.org has this great list of ways to celebrate Library Card Sign Up Month!

Finally, watch and share this short video from Overdrive that details all the benefits of having a library card:

Join us in our online book groups this September!

Welcome to September! We are excited to start reading two new books this month in our online book groups. Join us on Goodreads in our two groups: CMLE Librarian Professionals and CMLE Librarians Enjoying Books. We want you to read with us!

For our Librarian Professionals group, we will be reading Lead Like a Pirate: Make School Amazing for Your Students and Staff by Shelley Burgess and Beth Houf.

“Pirates are on a constant quest for riches, but PIRATE Leaders seek even greater rewards: amazing schools, engaged students, and empowered educators who know they are making a difference.

In Lead Like a PIRATE, education leaders Shelley Burgess and Beth Houf map out the character traits necessary to captain a school or district. You’ll learn where to find the treasure that’s already in your classrooms and schools–and how to bring out the very best in your educators.”

For our Librarians Enjoying Books group, we will be reading The Book of Speculation by Erika Swyler.

“A sweeping and captivating debut novel about a young librarian who is sent a mysterious old book, inscribed with his grandmother’s name. What is the book’s connection to his family?”




Notable Date to Celebrate: September 25th is Shel Silverstein's birthday

You probably already know that at CMLE, we offer a service called “Notable Dates for your Noggin” which feature special holidays and birthdays of authors, as well as publications of well-known books. In an effort to help you get more from this service, we’ve decided to select one “Notable Date” each month to feature. We will include a few fun programming and activity ideas too, all for you to use!


September 25th is Shel Silverstein’s birthday. Silverstein is well known for his children’s literature, poetry, and music. You can listen to him read his poem Backward Bill here, and even subscribe to the Shel Silverstein YouTube channel for more content.

If you are looking for some biographical information on Silverstein, check out this article from LibraryPoint.org which talks about his life and also gives some fast facts about the writer, including that he won a Grammy award in 1969 for A Boy Named Sue performed by Johnny Cash.

Love The Giving Tree? Celebrate by making some Giving Tree apple cupcakes!

Make math more fun with these poetry inspired activities.

Get creative and pick your favorite Shel Silverstein poem to draw some accompanying illustrations!

Want more Shel Silverstein activities or information? Check out this website for wallpapers, e-cards, and lesson plans.



Looking for more fun holidays or days to celebrate? Check out our Notable Dates Page!